Hi Jim D:
>So the Fed concerns itself with inflation
>and keeping it as low as possible.  They're willing to let others suffer
>from unemployment.

I don't think most Americans know that, though -- hence the myth.  I'm
willing to bet that the majority of college graduates who have taken
courses in economics can't remember it either.  (Or maybe they 'forget'
when it comes to social welfare.)

>I don't think most people in the US believe that "anyone who wants work can
>find a job."

Had they not been shamed into subscribing to this myth, I think that there
would have been more resistance to the 'welfare reform.'  Shaming people
who can't find work into blaming themselves is the key ideological
ingredient here.  Work in America is a moral question, not a question of
political economy, and that's the problem.


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