
             The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 8 October 1999
                        Vol. 3, Numbers 82 (#340)

                           AN APOLOGY TO READERS

We're sorry about the delay in the newsletter. For some months we had
outgrown the capacity of our old system and had to routinely clear space on
the disk drive. A bit over a week ago friends helped us get a new system so
we stopped worrying about space when it was being delivered.

This was a big mistake for it caused the filters on our e-mail program to
crash. We get over 1,000 messages a day from various discussion and news
list and filter them into about 100 categories. The filter crash
overwhelmed our ability to deal with incoming mail.

Now, however, we have the new system up and partially running. There should
still be some delay and we install new filters and catch up on past
correspondence. This means that the next few newsletter should be brief.
But we have a nice anti-fascist victory to report below, thanks to activism
by the multi-racial movement.



                           KKK Rally: 16 Oct 99
                             Clanton, Alabama

The Alabama White Knights will be having a rally in Clanton, Alabama on
Saturday, October 16, 1999. Field opens at 4:00 PM, speakers will begin at
6:00 PM, triple crosslighting at dusk. No drugs, firearms or news media
will be allowed on the rally field. T-shirts and souvenirs will be

>From I 65, take Exit 205 to Highway 31 North. Go four miles to the fifth
red light, then turn left on Hwy. 22 West. Go two and a half miles to
County Rd. 75 turn left, go two miles to County Rd. 9, turn right, go 2.8
miles. Look for AWK signs, turn left on County Rd. 358 (dirt road).  Hope
to see y'all there! 

                                 - - - - -

             Holocaust Revisionist David Irving: 16-17 Oct 99
                              Miami, Florida

Two David Irving lectures are planned for the south Florida area in the
cities of Miami and West Palm Beach in October. 

The first will be in Miami, Saturday, October 16 at 7:00 pm. 

The other will be in West Palm Beach, Sunday, October 17 at 7:00pm. 

A charge of $7.00 will be asked for at the doors to help defray costs.
Spouses come free. 

Contact Jeff Wilkerson at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


                               W.I.N. LOSES:

The fascist "Western Imperative Network" (WIN) urges that multi-racial
couples targeted for violence. One WIN leader, known as "ipm" wrote of this
on the group's mailing list. Supporters of TINAF picked up on this and
forwarded it to the journal. We reprinted it[1] and other readers passed it
on to their readers.[2]

"Black and White Couple" thought that the fascist list violated the terms
of service of the ONElist provider and complained. The list server
investigated and pulled the list. Even more important, the WIN itself now
has killed its open subscription policy.

All told, this process indicated the informal way that anti-fascist
activism functions on the net. The destruction of the WIN propaganda list
was not a massive victory but it was a victory nonetheless. It was also a
victory established without violence.

There are three other points of interest.

The first is that the fascists aren't doing too well at the infiltration
game. Matt Hale of the widely discredited World Church of the Creator wrote
to his list claiming he infiltrated Anti-Racist Action. It turned out that
Hale, not ARA, was penetrated.

The second provides additional confirmation of our notion that fascists
have a somewhat special psychology; that victories inspire them more than
other political activists but that defeats are equally magnified. WIN could
simply have gone to another list server; instead they cancelled the basic
recruiting nature for their list.

The third addresses critics who wonder what all the fuss is about. In one
sense, the fascists could indeed have turned to another server meaning that
we've accomplished little. But WIN has changed the nature of their list.
Formally it was more open, allowing  the less-committed or the curious to
easily subscribe and thus be influenced by the group's propaganda. Now the
list is closed to all but those with an already documented rightwing
history. This new need for WIN-list security significantly reduces the
people they can reach and the effectiveness of their writings.

On a lighter note, it is interesting to see fascist paranoia reverberate
against them. One post from the WIN list gets publicized and the group's
leader worries about "rogues, infiltrators, and mentally unbalanced
subscribers." One supposes he knows who reads WIN material better than we

But remember: just because the fascists are paranoid doesn't mean that
we're not out to get them.

[1] "Quote of the Week: For those who believe that fascism is only a thing
of the past," TINAF 3:75 (#333), 17 Sep 99

[2] James A. Landrith Jr., Multi-Racial Newsletter, Special Alert 13, 20
Sep 99. reprinted in TINAF 3:77 (#335), 24 Sep 99

                                 - - - - -

                     Warning About Racists On ONElist!
                Allen Steadham (Interrace Haven Newsletter)
                                 30 Sep 99

Dear James (Landrith of The Multi-Racial Activist)  and Paul,

I thought you'd like to see this.  One of the IR Haven Newsletter
subscribers forwarded the newsletter to Onelist.com's administration and
Onelist did the right thing.  

I'll be sending out a special IR Haven Newsletter update on this, 
too, but here's the confirmation e-mail that was forwarded to me 

Feel free to use this as well.  I think people need to know they can  make
a difference.

  --  Best Wishes,

                                 - - - - -

           Complaint to ONElist about "ipm" advocacy of violence
                        by "Black and White Couple"
                                 27 Sep 99

From:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To:            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:       Warning About Racists On ONElist!
Date:          09/27/99 23:15:49

Hi Onelist...  I wasn't sure who to send this to, but I think it
deserves immediate attention!!!

[included reprint of Multi-Racial Activist and TINAF reports deleted]

                                 - - - - -

           ONElist Kills the WIN Mailing List From Their Service
                                  by Lupe
                                 29 Sep 99

Date:          Wed, 29 Sep 1999 16:19:11  -0700
From:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:       Warning About Racists On ONElist! [#1125237]
To:            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi I have checked and have deleted the list from our system as well as the
owner of the list.

Have a great day and thanks for using ONElist, for helpful hints
please visit:


ONElist Customer Support Team

                                 - - - - -

            [Western Imperative Network Kills Own Mailing List]
                               by ipm (WIN)

Due to problems caused by a small number of rogues, infiltrators, and
mentally unbalanced subscribers, WINMail has revoked its open invitation to
everyone. Membership is presently restricted to an modified "invation [sic]
only" basis. Unless you have been specifically invited to join the list by
a present member of the list, you may also be considered if you can provide
a verifiable portfolio of pro-White usenet postings or have other
qualifications demonstrating your dedication to the White racialist

I hope this doesn't turn off serious racialists, because that's obviously
not the purpose.

  --  Racial regards,
      Members of WIN 

                          * * * * *

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material is
distributed without profit or payment to those who have expressed a
prior interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and
educational purposes only.

   We have no ethical right to forgive, no historical right to forget.     
   (No permission required for noncommercial reproduction)

                               - - - - -

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