This is an example of a reform needed in the WTO, from the Seattle 99 website.

To call for the abolition of the WTO might seem very radical but the
processes would then be even more unaccountable. This reform should be

(For example during the banana wars between the USA and Europe, the primary
producers of the West Indies did not have the right to even equal
representation. Outrageous.)

The WTO's lack of democratic process or accountable decision-making
is epitomized by the WTO Dispute Settlement Process. The WTO
allows countries to challenge each others' laws and regulations as
violations of WTO rules. Cases are decided by a panel of three trade
bureaucrats. There are no conflict of interest rules and the panelists
              often have little appreciation of domestic law or of
government responsibility                                       to protect
workers, the environment or human rights. Thus, it is not
surprising that every single environmental or public health law challenged
at WTO has been ruled illegal. 

WTO tribunals operate in secret. Documents, hearings and briefs are
confidential. Only national governments are allowed to participate, even if
a state law is being challenged. There are no outside appeals. 

Once a final WTO ruling is issued, losing countries have a set time to
implement one of only three choices: change their law to conform to the
WTO requirements, pay permanent compensation to the winning
country, or face non-negotiated trade sanctions. The U.S. official position
is that ultimately, laws must be changed to be consistent with WTO

Chris Burford


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