This was precisely one of the main points of the economists' letter to the SPD; that 
higher unemployment rates in Europe are largely the result of contractionary monetary 
policy. Scroll back in your email... or we can send you another copy of the statement.

-Robert Naiman, Preamble

At 11:35 PM 10/19/99 -0500, you wrote:
>An economist at Kansas State University wrote an op-ed column in today's
>paper here attacking a local labor coalition that is pushing for a living
>wage economic development policy.  He included the conventional wisdom that
>high minimum wages in Europe have caused high unemployment rates.  I recall
>a posting on PEN in the late summer from someone who disputed this claim.
>That message contained some figures on unemployment rates in several
>European countries that were not much higher than ours, despite much higher
>minimum wages in those countries.  If someone has reliable figures on this,
>please post them.  We will make use of them here in our response.
>This economist of course also represented his view as the universal wisdom
>of his profession.  Are there other cogent explanations economists offer
>for the higher unemployment rates in some European countries?
>Department of Philosophy                       Office/voicemail: 785-532-0359
>Kedzie Hall 203                                Philosophy Office: 785-532-6758
>Kansas State University                        Home: 785-539-6076
>Manhattan KS 66506                             Fax: 785-532-7004

Robert Naiman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Preamble Center
1737 21st NW
Washington, DC 20009
phone: 202-265-3263 x277
fax:   202-265-3647

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