Yes. Depreciation exceeds gross investment. Not just roads, but a whole range of stuff. You'd think so. I was going to say it has been supplanted by deficit/debt hysteria and general anti-Gov/tax sentiment, but I forgot we just put a paper up on our web site on polling and government spending by Ruy Teixeira (Portuguese, in case anyone's wondering), which provides evidence that the general public is not much worried about debt, nor very interested in tax cuts or military spending. Not unlike the health care scene, where polls found a majority in the nation favoring single- payer, but fewer than 100 votes in the House for it. Hey! Maybe there's something wrong with our political system. mbs JD: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what is negative net public investment? does that mean that the roads (etc.) are depreciating faster than the government is fixing them? (You'd think that this would be a scandal.) Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] &