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               The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 14 July 2000
                          Vol. 4, Number 58 (#441)

Web Sites of Interest:
    German Economy Foundation Initative Steering Group
    Conference On Jewish Material Claims Against Germany: Restitution Guide
    Financial Compensation for Nazi Slave Laborers
    The Getty Provenance Index
    Living Heirs
    Lost Art Internet Database
    Jan Karski, Polish Diplomat, Holocaust Witness



German Economy Foundation Initative Steering Group
"Remembrance, Responsibility, and the Future"

German enterprises were integrated in the government-run war economy under
the Nazi regime, and were thus also involved in the wrongs perpetrated by
it. Persecution and forced labor were initiated by the Nazi state.
Consequently, it was the Federal Republic of Germany as the legal successor
of the German Reich that made compensation to most people who suffered

Forced labor existed in various forms under a broad spectrum of working and
living conditions. It was used in agriculture and in the municipalities, as
well as in virtually all sectors of private industry which were integrated
into the war economy.

Today, it cannot be a matter to give payments alone for the fact of forced
labor. No legal basis exists for claims against German enterprises with
regard to forced labor or to injuries consequential upon persecution during
the Nazi era. The consequences of the fact that German enterprises were
involvedin Nazi wrongs cannot be settled by legal means. However, German
enterprises recognize theirmoral responsibility, in particular where forced
labor had to be performed under particularly harsh conditions and in cases
where enterprises cooperated in discriminating against people who were
persecuted on racial grounds during the Nazi regime.

Many German firms had research done on their history and published the
results. In past decades, many enterprises have made considerable funds
available on a voluntary basis to relieve the consequences of past wrongs.

At the end of the present century, as a gesture of reconciliation, German
enterprises are again prepared to contribute funds to a humanitarian
foundation, "Remembrance, Responsibility and the Future", in order to help
former forced laborers still living today who in those days were forced to
work under particularly harsh conditions, and other people who were victims
of the Nazi regime.

The Foundation is a voluntary initiative on the part of German enterprises
regardless of whether or to which degree they were involved in war economy.
It is open and seeks other enterprises to commit themselves to contribute
funds in reasonable amounts. Enterprises will make non-recurring, lump-sum
contributions to the Foundation.

For the Foundation to be established and for the funds to be made
available, it is an indispensable prerequisite that the enterprises have
full and lasting legal certainty, in other words, that they are safe from
legal action in the future. Even in connection with this legal closure
desirable legal peace is to be achieved.

The founding enterprise furthermore operate on the assumption that the
German federal government will establish a federal foundation to complement
the Foundation "Remembrance, Responsibility and the Future", which will
take care of the forced laborers not covered by the present Foundation, in
particular those who worked in agriculture and in the municipalities.

Public corporations which have largely been privatized by now may and
should - as expected by the founding enterprises - join the Foundation
"Remembrance, Responsibility and the Future" with their own contributions.

- - - - -

Conference On Jewish Material Claims Against Germany: Restitution Guide

"This guide is designed to outline and clarify some of the major current
programs for Holocaust survivors and their heirs. More than five decades
since the liberation of the concentration camps, a variety of programs
offer benefits to victims of Nazi persecution and their heirs.

"In the past, the lack of centralized information on these programs, as
well as their complicated regulations, left many people frustrated or
unaware of benefits for which they might qualify. The information presented
is not a definitive or complete statement on the programs and policies of
the governments or organizations that provide compensation and restitution.
Further, the Claims Conference and others continue to press the appropriate
authorities for improvements in these programs as well as for the
establishment of additional programs.

"The Claims Conference cannot be held responsible for any of the
information contained in this brochure. Inclusion of a program in this
guide should not be regarded as approval by the Claims Conference or any
other Jewish organization of the adequacy or fairness of the program, or of
the capability or effectiveness of any organization referred to in the
guide. Users of this guide should also be aware that details of the
programs and contact information listed are generally based on information
supplied to us by other sources and are subject to change at any time. If
you are aware of any inaccuracies or omissions in this guide, please
contact the Communications Department of the Claims Conference in New York
so that we may include the correct information in subsequent editions.

"This guide is divided into sections according to the type of program.
Readers should be aware that the amount and type of benefit often depends
on a number of factors, including the country of origin of the survivor,
the nature and duration of the persecution suffered, the current financial
situation of the survivor and the amount of past compensation received. To
use this guide most effectively, readers may wish to consult both the table
of contents and the alphabetical index of organizations. Because the
material contained in this brochure is geared primarily toward residents of
the United States, information regarding U.S. tax laws on compensation
payments and restituted property is provided. However, some information in
this guide may be of interest to survivors who reside outside the United
States. The Claims Conference plans on publishing a similar guide for the
international community of Holocaust survivors in the near future."

- - - - -

Financial Compensation for Nazi Slave Laborers

"During World War II, millions of Jews, Roma (Gypsies), Poles, other
Eastern Europeans and people of other nationalities and religions were
forced to work under inhuman conditions in Nazi industry as slave laborers.
Many did not survive.

"Philip Mendlowicz is a Polish Jew who was a slave laborer at Volkswagen.
He now lives in North York, ON, Canada. He commented: "They wanted you to
be an animal. They didn't care if you fell down sick. They sent you to the
death camp. There were always more to take your place." 8

"We have been unable to find any reference of money having been paid in the
past as compensation to former slave laborers. Although Germany has paid
out nearly $90 billion in restitution to survivors of the Nazi regime, none
had apparently been directed to slave laborers.

"A final agreement has been reached in which the government and certain
industries in Germany will equally finance a $7.5 billion (U.S.) fund which
will be dispersed to victims of Nazi persecution."

- - - - -

The Getty Provenance Index

"The Getty Provenance Index, a project of the Getty Research Institute,
accumulates and disseminates information related to the history of
collecting and the provenance of individual works of art. Maintaining
several electronic databases as well as nonautomated material on the
history of ownership of works of art (primarily European paintings)
gathered from sales catalogues, archival records, and museum files, the
Getty Provenance Index provides scholars and museum curators with important
information about the history of taste and collecting.

- - - - -

Living Heirs

"Living Heirs is a not-for-profit cooperative effort by three independent
organizations -- Avotaynu, a Jewish genealogy publishing service, Risk
International Services, Inc., an insurance archaeology and claim recovery
firm, and Ancestry.com, a family history Internet and publishing company.
The Living Heirs Project helps heirs of Holocaust victims recover family
assets unjustly confiscated by the Third Reich. These groups were brought
together by Rafael Guber, Genealogy Consultant to the Simon Wiesenthal
Center Museum of Tolerance.


"Over the past few years, heirs of Holocaust victims have renewed efforts
to recover confiscated assets. Beginning with a class action lawsuit
against Swiss banks, this reclamation effort has expanded to include claims
against German, Austrian, Swiss, Dutch and other banks, insurance
companies, and corporations.

"As a result of these efforts, both Swiss and Austrian banks have made
settlement offers. Many Jews and other persecuted minorities (or their
heirs) whose families lost assets during the Holocaust may have a claim to
the $1.25 billion compensation fund established by the Swiss banks or the
$40 million fund established by the Austrian banks. Such claims may be
valid even if the victims did not have a Swiss or Austrian bank account. It
is uncertain how such class action settlements impact the recovery rights
of individual heirs who did not have documentation of the assets
confiscated from their relatives until after these settlements were

- - - - -

Lost Art Internet Database
In English, German, and Russian

"The Lost Art Internet Database is a project of both, the Federal
Government of Germany and its Federal States ("Länder"). It registers
cultural goods which were transported or stolen because of persecution,
especially of Jewish citizens, as a result of World War II or as a result
of National Socialism.

"The project is realized in co-operation of the Coordination Office and the
Institute for Technical and Business Information Systems of the Otto-von-
Guericke-University Magdeburg.

"The following website categories are available:

"Coordination Office
"Federal Government and Federal States
"Contact "


OBITUARY: Jan Karski, Polish Diplomat, Holocaust Witness

Holocaust Eyewitness Karski Dies
Andrzej Stylinski (AP)
14 Jul 00

WARSAW, Poland -- Jan Karski, a former Polish diplomat who provided early
eyewitness accounts of the Holocaust to the West during World War II, has
died. He was 86.

Karski died Thursday at Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, D.C.,
a university spokeswoman said. The Polish embassy there confirmed that he
died of heart and kidney ailments.

Born Jan Kozielewski in 1914 in the central industrial Polish city of Lodz,
he joined the Polish diplomatic service in 1935 and served as artillery
officer in the September 1939 campaign against the Nazi invasion. He was
captured by the Red Army after the Soviets invaded Poland from the East a
few weeks later, but escaped to join the underground.

His excellent memory and courage made him a courier. As an officer in the
Polish resistance, he made four runs to the West with reports from
underground leaders to the exiled Polish government. He was captured in
Slovakia in 1940 and tortured by the Nazi Gestapo, but he escaped with the
help of Polish partisans who attacked the prison.

In 1942, disguised as a Nazi guard, Karski sneaked into the Izbica death
camp in eastern Poland and twice entered the Warsaw Ghetto, where he
witnessed mass killing and torture of Jews. He brought his story to the
West, briefing political and religious leaders in London and then meeting
personally with President Franklin Roosevelt.

Karski's report, and pressure from the Polish exiles, led to the Allies'
1942 statement condemning German crimes against the Jews. But in the months
that followed, when Karski tried to tell his stories to Allied leaders,
they reacted with silence and took no concrete action, Karski said.

"Maybe they did not believe, maybe they thought I was exaggerating," he
said in a 1995 interview with The Associated Press.

"Roosevelt did not show any feelings, did not make any comment," he
recalled. "He told me to repeat in Poland that the Allies will win the war
and that the criminals will be punished."

"Story of a Secret State," a book Karski wrote about the resistance
movement, life in occupied Poland and Nazi atrocities, first appeared in
1944 in the United States and became a bestseller.

After the war, communist leaders seeking to claim all credit for opposing
and ousting the Nazis denied the existence of the Polish underground Home
Army, which operated on orders from democratic Poland's government-in-exile
in London. Thousands of Home Army fighters were jailed and many were
sentenced to death on charges fabricated by the communists.

Karski settled in the United States and lectured on international affairs
at Georgetown University in Washington.

"The entire Georgetown University community is grateful and proud that he
chose to share his gifts with us for nearly forty years," the Rev. Leo J.
O'Donovan, Georgetown's president, said in a statement.

Only after communism fell in 1989 was Karski able to visit his homeland.
After that, he divided his time between Poland and a home in Chevy Chase,

Karski will be buried at Mount Olive cemetery in Bethesda, Md. His grave
will be next to that of his late wife, actress Pola Nirenska, who died in
1992, the PAP news agency said.

                            * * * * *

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