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              The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 21 July 2000
                          Vol. 4, Number 59 (#444)

Web Sites of Interest:
    Private Eye: Debunking Conspiracy Theory
Holocaust Slave Labor Settlements
    Wolfgang G. Gibowski (Remembrance, Responsibility and The Future),
       "Today in Berlin ...," 17 Jul 00
    Index to FTP Supplements
Rightwing Quote of the Week:



Private Eye: Debunking Conspiracy Theory

A major portion of the PRA website at <www.publiceye.org> is devoted to
critiquing anti-elite conspiracism

On the roots of the Bilderberger conspiracy theory:

On JBS and Liberty Lobby use of conspiracism:
On what's wrong with conspiracism:

   --  Chip Berlet



17 Jul 00

Today in Berlin representatives of the German economy, the German and
United States Governments, the Government of Israel, the Central and
Eastern European Governments, international Jewish organizations, and
plaintiff lawyers, signed the Final Act to establish the foundation
"Remembrance, Responsibility and The Future."

Nearly two years ago twelve, and then ultimately sixteen companies, began
talks with the objective to show an acceptance, and historic
responsibility, of the German economy to help the survivors of the National
Socialist regime. Twelve official plenary sessions as well as many more
working group meetings took place to reach today's signing.

In recognition of their historic responsibility, the German economy has
been willing to help living survivors as soon as possible, especially in
cases where there was never any prior financial assistance. Another aim of
the German economy was to build a Future Fund to educate people about
violations of Human Rights, and remind those of the horrors of the past.
Another central point of the negotiations was to establish sufficient legal
peace for German companies. These aims have been achieved with today's

"Legal peace does not reduce our historic responsibility," said Dr. Manfred
Gentz, Chief negotiator for the German economy. "This responsibility will
persist even when litigation, and other legal actions, are dismissed."

Dr. Gentz thanked President Clinton, Chancellor Schröder and the chief
negotiators of the U.S. and German Governments, Stuart Eizenstat and Otto
Graf Lambsdorff, for their efforts to find a solution.

Currently 3127 companies have declared their participation in the
Foundation Initiative, pledging more than DM 3.2 billion.
   --  Wolfgang G. Gibowski

- - - - -

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Wednesday, 19 July 2000
FTP SUpplement #159 (#442) The Holocaust Slave Labor Settlement -- Part 1
  1) Mark Thompson (Reuters), "Austrian firms give lukewarm support to
     slave fund," 10 Jul 00
  2) Joan Gralla (Reuters), "WJC says Austria firms not protected from
     lawsuits," 10 Jul 00
  3) Joan Gralla (Reuters), "Swiss bank accord held up by dispute over
     appeals," 10 Jul 00
  4) Joan Gralla (Reuters), "Chase helped funnel assets to Nazis - report,"
     11 Jul 00
  5) Alison Mutler (AP), "Gypies Not Getting Holocaust Funds," 13 Jul 00
  6) Reuters, "Spain to Give to Sephardic Holocaust Fund -- WJC ," 13 Jul

- - - - -

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Thursday, 20 July 2000
FTP SUpplement #160 (#443) The Holocaust Slave Labor Settlement -- Part 2
  7) Kostas X. Konstantinidis (Major General -- Ret) (ex-NATO Generals for
     Peace & Disarmament), "To The German Government on German
     Compensations," 16 Jul 00
  8) Reuters, "Nazi-Era Slaves Await Signing of Compensation Deal," 16 Jul
  9) Tony Czuczka (AP), "Nazi Slave Labor Fund Created ," 17 Jul 00
10) Adam Tanner (Reuters), "German Compensation Too Little, Too Late for
     Some," 17 Jul 00
11) AJC (press release), "American Jewish Committee Applauds Creation of
     German Compensation," 17 Jul 00
12) Reuters, "German Catholic Church Says Used Nazi Forced Labor," 20 Jul
13) AP, "Austria Holocaust Funds Sought ," 20 Jul 00


For those who believe that fascism is only a thing of the past

From:       [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Doc Tavish)
Newsgroups: alt.revisionism, alt.politics.nationalism.white,
Subject:    Doc Tavish Moving Operations From These News Groups <2>
Date:       Tue, 18 Jul 2000 18:22:37 GMT

Doc Tavish Moving Operations From These Groups

Folks I've given up posting in:
because anything I post is cancelled. The trolls are out of control too!

I am not giving up on USENET and I will still reply to some of the trolls
in these three news groups BUT I have found many more news groups which are
very receptive. I am back to posting the posts I like best-- Jews and their
Communism, and what Jews teach concerning non-Jews. Believe me there are
over 70,000 news groups out there that aren't being "cultivated." There are
a lot of angry youths wanting answers too! Youth is my new audience because
most adults have been brainwashed by the Jewish media. America's future is
in its youth.

All one needs to do is change their handle, get a new e-mail address and
dive right in. To stay tied down to three news groups when there are
thousands waiting for the right stuff is to be narrow minded. I will not
cross post to these three news groups from my new stomping grounds-- why
invite the trolls to come and screw them up too!? Some of the new groups
have their resident Jews and toadies but not to the degree these three
groups have been infested.

I think we should also establish moderated versions of the three original
news groups and let the trolls have the originals. In the moderated groups
we have the right to kick them out but in these unmoderated groups we

How does:

Anyone wanting an idea about where to go for a fresh ripe audience just e-
mail me at my-deja address.

I have a new news reader installed too to help keep the trolls from
finding me!

   --  Doc Tavish

- - - - -

Brief Notes on the Tavish Statement

1) Tavish continues to post to the groups to which he announces he will no
longer post;

2) When opposition grows and the fascist is forced from their traditional
fields of ideological offensive, describe the opposition as "trolls" and
redefine the issues you earlier demanded discussion around as unimportant
or a waste of time.

3) When planning on cancelling messages of opponents first announce that
they're doing this to you.

We should also note Tavish's call for moderated versions of the newsgroups
with fascist editors who could cancel anti-fascist posts. It is another
example of how "free speech for fascists" means no speech for others.

                            * * * * *

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    We have no ethical right to forgive, no historical right to forget.
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