En relación a [PEN-L:37] what is 'orange'?Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: R, 
el 31 Jul 00, a las 12:33, Stephen E Philion dijo:

> > el 31 Jul 00, a las 9:48, Stephen E Philion dijo:
> > 
> > > Nestor's sounding pretty orange these days...
> > >
> > > Steve
> > 
> > Since the quip is on myself, what is this of "sounding orange",
> > Steve? My English is not as good as I would like it to be. Néstor
> > Miguel Gorojovsky
> Nestor, 
> It refers to the occasional pattern of 'attack Henwood for anything
> and go for the jugular when doing so' that was first established by
> the so-called 'alternative orange' cult of Teresa Ebert epigones a few
> years ago on one of the Marxism list a few years back. When it
> reappears in different forms, I call that being 'orange.' 

Did not know I was attacking him "for anything", less so "going for 
the jugular". I usually don't have that tendency, and though I find 
DH's manners irksome, I admit (I HURRY UP TO ADMIT) that his views 
are thought provoking and not at all undeserving of serious 
consideration, much on the contrary.

Only that I did not like the _ad mulierem_ attack on Yoshie F. And 
answered accordingly. Doug explained, after his week end, what it was 
about. OK, I don't either agree with his positive appraisal of the 
IMHO mistaken idea that unorthodox thinking implies never to be self 
confident, or almost.

It is like Christian religiosity. As some Eastern monk once said, "I 
can't understand this religion and its obsession with chastity, which 
if thoroughly applied would bring the end of humankind with 

Néstor Miguel Gorojovsky

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