> Upholders of the "gay designers" theory of women's fashions 

For starters, I said "partly due". As Rob said, there's an aesthetic 
gay  dimension here which any open-minded person will at least 

try to deny that they
> are claiming a conspiracy -- 

It follows that it is you who is propagating a conspiracy theory 
about a gay theory of women's fashions. Perhaps it is time you 
stop believing everything you see in the X-files.

but given all the other factors that operate in the
> industry, the only coherent way in which the gay designers theory can be defended
> is by charging or implying a conscious conspiracy. The gay presence in the industry
> is simply not large enough to make this impact *except* through organized
> conspiracy. 

Again, misreading, misquoting: I consciously said "the fashion", 
not "the fashion industry" - something which should be clear to you 
by now since the conspirators here have been citing this post over 
and over, no doubt wishing that as many people as possible read it 
with the hope  of staining my reputation. I gues the stalinist police 
watchdogs are alive and well.


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