For good criticism of Gilligan see also a fine book called the Mismeasure of Woman, I 
forget the author, and Susan Faludi's first book. --jks

In a message dated Tue, 1 Aug 2000  5:11:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Yoshie Furuhashi 

<< Ricardo wrote:

> > Maybe I was too subtle. She picked stuff out of the air, and
> > misrepresented her sources. Read the Flanders piece.
> >
> > Doug
>Methinks it is you who's picking stuff out of the air making
>accusations against Sommers without offering any evidence.

At 5:34 PM -0300 7/31/00, Ricardo Duchesne also wrote:
> > Studies have often shown that for every male diagnosed as suffering
> > from depression, two to six times as many females are so diagnosed.
> > Perhaps overconfidence (relative to actual capacities) in men are
> > socially expected and economically rewarded (at least relative to
> > women), hence overconfidence is not irrational but a rational
> > expectation of gender privilege for men in a sexist society?  How
> > often do women feel obligated to laugh when men tell unfunny jokes?
>was this study done by the same people who told us that 150,000
>American  died of anorexia every year (a # higher than that of
>fatalities from car accidents!) For more false data propagated by
>womyn's depts, see Sommers Who Stole Feminism? How Women
>Have Betrayed Women.

Speaking of evidence, can Ricardo offer evidence for his insinuation 
that studies that have found "for every male diagnosed as suffering 
from depression, two to six times as many females are so diagnosed" 
are inaccurate?  What's his ground for thinking so?  Is it his sexist 
intuition?  To my knowledge, not even Christina Hoff Sommers has 
claimed that such studies are lies made up by feminists (probably 
because findings of gender differences in rates of clinical 
depression do not necessarily come from feminist scholars).  Sommers' 
main target seems to be Carol Gilligan.  (BTW, for a criticism of 
Carol Gilligan, don't look to Sommers -- see, for instance, Katha 
Pollitt's excellent essay "Marooned on Gilligan's Island" in 
_Reasonable Creatures_ instead).



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