>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/04/00 11:06AM >>>
In a message dated Fri, 4 Aug 2000 10:51:23 AM Eastern Daylight Time, "Charles Brown" 

<< Lawyers are less centralized on a world level ( international law is still openly 
"might makes right"). 

In fact, but not officially. As a matter of law, the UN Charter is part of US law, and 
prohibits military action except in self-defense and emergencies. Chomsky 
intermittently makes a lot of hay with this.


CB: Ann Fagan Ginger, a comrade attorney,  spins gold from this and the rest of  UN 
law continuously.

As to the facts and the particular law you mention, yes,  in the attack on Yugoslavia, 
the U.S. and NATO nations violated the highest international law, that against crimes 
against peace ( "higher" than crimes against humanity even by the Nuremburg standard) 
, but who has the force or might to punish them ? 

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