In a message dated 8/5/00 3:59:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< We count on _you_ (= Justin Schwartz), but can we count on the ACLU 
 in general?  
  >So, it all depends on which faction within the ACLU has power in each 
 chapter & national organization, no?
 > As an ACLU insider, you could try to change its priorities, so it 
 won't waste resources defending corps' freedoms.

Yeah, I think it's a safe bet that you can count on the ACLU to defend core 
political speech, period, regardless of "faction." Try David Goldberger, 
Yoshie: he's a pretty conservative, very "patriotric" guy. But if the cops 
try to shut you down, he'll be a rock. There is no other reason to be in the 
ACLU unless you feel that way. Heaven knows it doesn't pay. 

FYI, for all you ACLU-bashers, insofar as the prioritiesare the Illinois 
chapter are reflected in the newsletter thata rrived today. I see the ACLU 
here (a) won a settlement barring the North Shore village of Highland Park 
from engaging in racial profiling in traffic endforcement; (b) fought a 
winning lawsuit defending women's right to choose against antichoice 
legislators; (c) are fighting the Mayor of Chicago's new anti-gang loitering 
program after smashig the city on this in the S.Ct last term--and that's just 
for starters. I say if big tobacco is paying for this activity. we are 
getting their money's worth. 

Btw, I am not an ACLU "insider," just a member, but I will ask about the 
tobacco biz. However, for the rest, aim at your enemies--not your friends. 


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