[full article at
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Temporary Workers Win Benefits Ruling

By Frank Swoboda
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, August 31, 2000; Page A01

Recognizing the changing nature of the American work force, the National
Labor Relations Board has voted to make it easier for millions of temporary
workers to join unions and win benefits on the job.

The ruling released yesterday comes as the nation's employers increasingly
rely on temporary staff to trim costs and gain flexibility. Temps,
contractors and consultants who are not attached to a company's core work
force make up as much as 25 percent of the nation's employment base by some
estimates, or nearly 35 million workers.

The number of temporary jobs in the United States rose 577 percent from 1982
to 1998, according to the General Accounting Office, while overall
employment grew 47 percent. Manpower Inc., a temp agency, is now the
nation's largest employer.

Analysts said the 3 to 1 ruling by the labor board will have its most
immediate impact on employees of Manpower and other temporary agencies,
which send an estimated 3 million people into the workplace on any given
day. Although these employees are hired by the temporary agency, the board
ruled that for the purposes of labor law they are considered employees of
the client company if they work side by side with full-time employees, doing
the same work under the same supervision.

The ruling is likely to apply not to temps who pop in and out of a clerical
pool, but rather to workers on longer-term assignments at companies that are
seeking to save money on benefits and training.

AFL-CIO President John J. Sweeney praised the labor board for recognizing
the "seismic shifts in employment relationships in the changing economy."
Sweeney called the ruling "an important step" in addressing the rights of
contingent workers, whom he said have often been "relegated to second-class
status and rights" because of their inability to join unions.

But Stephen A. Bokat of the National Chamber Litigation Center – which filed
a brief in support of employers – said the ruling would "complicate the way
employers deal with employees" and eliminate some of the cost advantages of
using temporary workers. He said that under the ruling employers would have
to treat temps "pretty much like regular employees."

Patrick Cleary of the National Association of Manufacturers said the ruling
would give union voting rights "to people with a much more casual attachment
to the employer." He said the decision would probably be tested in court in
future cases.

Some unions already were planning to act on the new rule. Judy Scott,
general counsel of the Service Employees International Union, said her group
would be able to boost its organizing in hospitals that often hire temporary
nurses on a long-term basis.

The board's move is "a great victory for workers," Scott said, because it
would no longer allow employees to artificially separate the two groups of
workers. "It doesn't open the floodgates," she said, "but it certainly will
open a window."

Challenges to the widespread use of temporary workers have also landed in
court in recent years. In one of the more celebrated cases, thousands of
current and former independent contractors and temporary workers sued
Microsoft Corp., essentially claiming that they deserved the same rights as
permanent employees. They won in a U.S. appeals court, and the U.S. Supreme
Court declined to review the case.

Under a 1990 ruling by the labor board, however, the only way temporary
employees could bargain with the leasing employer until now was if both the
temp agency and its client company agreed to let them do it. That seldom
happened, according to labor experts.

The ruling yesterday involved challenges to three employers – a marine
services company, a textile processor and a recycling firm – that the board
has been considering since 1996. In its decision, the board wrote that it
had reconsidered its 1990 ruling because of the "ongoing changes in the
American work force . . . including the increased use of companies that
specialize in supplying 'temporary' and 'contract' workers to augment the
work forces of traditional employers."

Many large technology companies also have come to rely on long-term temps,
but their work forces have been highly resistant to unions. Labor hopes to
use the new ruling to capture the attention of temporary workers in
companies and industries where it has had little success so far.

Some unions have begun trying to organize temporary workers in the
technology industry. The Washington Alliance of Technology Workers, a
Seattle-based union funded by the Communications Workers of America, has
been a major factor in the temps' suit against Microsoft.

David Larson, who has worked on and off as a Microsoft temp for six years,
said he is not sure the younger temp workers realize how important
unionizing could be but he hopes they soon will. "The younger you are, the
less you think about things like retirement," said Larson, 44. "Once [the
younger temps] start thinking about this, they'll think, 'Gee, I'm coming up
short here.'‚"

Larson said he joined Washtech because it seemed to have some success in
pushing for workplace rights for the temporary workers at Microsoft. "Only
since Washtech came along have we gotten any benefits at all," Larson said.

Staff writer Sarah Schafer contributed to this report.

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