At 08:42 AM 8/31/00 -0400, you wrote:
>Ben Wirtschafter, a Democratic candidate for the state Assembly who is 
>Jewish, says he has been dismissed out of hand by some voters simply 
>because of his faith, including just a few weeks earlier, at a local fair. 
>"I was handing out literature. They wanted to know whether I believed in 
>Christ. When I indicated that I didn't, they returned the literature and 
>said they weren't interested in me."

There was an interesting editorial a few weeks ago on US National Public 
Radio, by Scott Simon, not only decrying such attitudes and cheering Al 
Gore's willingness to choose a Jew for his running-mate, but also hoping 
for the day when even agnostics and atheists would be able to open about 
their views of religion.


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