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Date sent:              Thu, 29 Apr 1999 11:56:52 -0700
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   Sid Shniad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                HOUSE VOTES TO REQUIRE ASSENT FOR GROUND TROOPS - Washington

The Washington Post                       Thursday, April 29, 1999; Page A1 


        Republican members display misgivings about Clinton's handling 
        of war; Democratic resolution to support air war fails on tie vote

        By Charles Babington and Juliet Eilperin

        President Clinton signaled yesterday that the air campaign in 
Yugoslavia may continue for at least another three months, while he 
sought to quell congressional discontent by yielding to some GOP 
demands on military spending and agreeing to legislative 
consultation on the possible introduction of U.S. ground troops.
        Despite his conciliation, the House voted 249 to 180 to block 
funding for U.S. ground forces in the Balkans unless Congress first 
gives its approval. Clinton, who had hoped to prevent the vote, 
tried to remove some of its political sting by issuing a preemptive 
letter agreeing to consult with legislators before sending in ground 
troops. He repeated that he does not intend to use U.S. ground 
troops to fight their way into Kosovo, but might deploy them in a 
peacekeeping or "permissive" setting.
        A Democratic resolution to support the air war later failed on a 
tie vote of 213 to 213.
        In Belgrade, meanwhile, Yugoslav President Slobodan 
Milosevic fired Deputy Prime Minister Vuk Draskovic, a maverick 
critic who had called for sending armed United Nations 
peacekeepers to Kosovo. Clinton said it was a sign that the 
Belgrade regime was splintering over the NATO campaign, though 
it consolidated the control of Milosevic and other hard-liners over 
the Yugoslav government.
        And in Berlin, Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott said 
the United States and its allies were close to an agreement with 
Russia on how to manage an international peacekeeping force for 
Kosovo, once the conflict is over. Such an agreement could open 
the way to a new effort by Russia to broker a deal between NATO 
and Yugoslavia to end the war.
        The flurry of activity came as the House began voting on the 
Kosovo war for the first time since hostilities began last month. 
With GOP members already displaying misgivings about Clinton's 
handling of the war, the president tried to minimize the impact of a 
congressional debate that White House aides feared could give 
comfort to Milosevic and undermine allied efforts to conduct rescue 
missions and keep military options open.
        At the same time, the president gave his clearest signal yet that 
the air campaign may continue well into the summer. Clinton told 
reporters that NATO pilots now can "fly around the clock, at lower 
altitudes from all directions, in better weather. Historically, the 
weather [in Yugoslavia] is better in May than in April, better in 
June than in May, better in July than in June. And I feel very 
strongly that we should stay with, and be very strong, in 
determination to pursue our strategy."
        Meeting with congressional leaders in the morning, the 
president told House and Senate leaders he would consult with 
them before sending ground troops, and he sent a letter to House 
members shortly before yesterday's votes, reiterating that promise.
        Clinton also appeared to compromise in the area of military 
spending. He has asked Congress for $6 billion in emergency funds 
for Kosovo military and humanitarian operations, but Republicans 
have proposed doubling the amount to fund their own military-
related priorities.
        While asking Congress to endorse his plan as introduced, 
Clinton privately told lawmakers they could add to it, provided they 
not make it so unwieldy and controversial that they delayed its 
        "He said, 'Just please don't overload it so it gets bogged down,' 
" said House International Relations Committee Chairman Benjamin 
A. Gilman (R-N.Y.). "He was showing a willingness to try to work 
together with the Congress."
        Many House leaders, however, said they could not afford to 
trust Clinton after he had forged agreements with NATO on the 
Balkans before conferring with Congress.
        "We want to change that cycle," said House Majority Leader 
Richard K. Armey (R-Tex.). "We want to say, 'Mr. President, your 
relationship between the executive branch of this government and 
the Congress of the United States . . . comes before your 
relationship with allied nations.' "
        After the meeting with the president, the House engaged in a 
civil, occasionally emotional debate on the conflict in the Balkans. 
The debate was precipitated by Rep. Tom Campbell (R-Calif.), who 
invoked the War Powers Resolution in an effort to force Congress 
to vote on two resolutions, one declaring war on Yugoslavia, the 
other calling for U.S. troops to come home within 30 days.
        Both measures were easily defeated, with only two members, 
Reps. Joe Barton (R-Tex.) and Gene Taylor (D-Miss.), voting for 
war. But a third resolution crafted by GOP Reps. Tillie Fowler 
(Fla.), William F. Goodling (Pa.) and John R. Kasich (Ohio) -- 
calling for Congress to approve any introduction of ground troops 
in Kosovo -- passed by a comfortable margin.
        Forty-five Democrats joined 203 Republicans in voting for the 
Fowler-Goodling bill, which would allow Clinton to deploy ground 
troops without approval in order to rescue allied military personnel. 
Maryland GOP Reps. Roscoe G. Bartlett, Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. and 
Wayne T. Gilchrest voted in favor of the bill. GOP Rep. Constance 
A. Morella joined Democratic Reps. Benjamin L. Cardin, Elijah E. 
Cummings and Steny H. Hoyer in opposing it. Rep. Albert R. Wynn 
(D) did not vote.
        In the Virginia delegation, GOP Reps. Thomas J. Bliley, 
Thomas M. Davis III and Robert W. Goodlatte supported the bill, 
while Reps. Herbert H. Bateman and Frank R. Wolf opposed it. 
Every Virginia Democrat except Rep. Virgil H. Goode Jr. voted 
against the bill.
        On the 213 to 213 tie over supporting the air war, 31 
Republicans, 181 Democrats and one independent voted "yes," and 
187 Republicans and 26 Democrats voted "no." Among those 
opposed were Bartlett, Bateman and Goodlatte.
        While House Minority Leader Richard A. Gephardt (D-Mo.) 
criticized Republicans for sending a "confused" message, Rep. 
Heather A. Wilson (R-N.M.), a former Air Force officer, said the 
votes gave Clinton a clear signal of where Congress stands. "The 
message should be there are deep reservations in the Congress 
about the prosecution of this war," Wilson said. "It's been screwed 
up from the first day."
        The White House saw it differently. "The House today voted no 
on going forward, no on going back and they tied on standing still," 
said White House spokesman Jake Siewert. "We will continue to 
prosecute the air campaign and to stop the violence being 
perpetrated by Milosevic."
        "The speaker has been telling the president all along that he 
needs to make the case for our involvement in Kosovo to the 
Congress and to the American people," said John Feehery, 
spokesman for House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.). "This vote 
tonight proves that the president needs to make a better case."
        Prospects for a Senate vote later this week on Kosovo appeared 
to fade, only a day after Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-
Miss.) suggested that he would try to work out an agreement that 
could be brought to the floor by Friday -- possibly along the lines of 
the measure approved yesterday by the House.
        But the House proposal ran into Senate objections, both from 
Democrats and from Republicans who support a resolution 
authorizing the president to use "all necessary force" to prevail in 
        In another development yesterday, Clinton announced his first 
foreign trip since the bombing began on March 24, saying he will 
travel to Germany on May 4-5 to visit U.S. troops and review 
efforts to help Kosovo refugees.

Staff writer Helen Dewar contributed to this report. 

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