The entire UC system has been afflicted with a thirst for power for decades.
Nobody teaches except TAs.  All facullty member want to go the Washington, but
only after securing tenure.  I was chairman of a department aat UCLA from 1964
to 1970 and noticed that most dead woods would start their pointification in
meetings with: "When I was in Washington...."  Some spirtited younger faculty
members would sometimes finish the sentence with an interrruption ".. I sold


Doug Henwood wrote:

> Craven, Jim wrote:
> >Berkely has sunk so low
> A few months ago I met with a German journalist who was visiting the U.S.
> to research a millennium story. The conversation turned, as it often does,
> to the embarrassment that is American political discourse. He said he gave
> a talk to the Berkeley poli sci department in 1989 and the assembled
> faculty had just one question they were obsessed with - was Gorbachev
> serious? In 1989! He was shocked speechless.
> Seems funny to me to ask how low Berkeley or any other U.S. university has
> sunk. When it comes to politics, they've long been pretty low, haven't they?
> Doug

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