I guess this means Bill G. and a whole 'lot of folks'll be lining up for
waah waah handouts when their commodities go belly up a la Schumpeter...

[full article at http://www.nytimes.com/2000/09/16/science/16CLIM.html ]

September 16, 2000

OPEC States Want to Be Paid if Pollution Curbs Cut Oil Sales

At the latest round of international talks aimed at shaping a treaty on
global warming, delegates from oil- producing countries insisted that any
final accord include a commitment to compensate them if efforts to cut
emissions of heat-trapping gases resulted in a drop in the use of oil.

The position of Saudi Arabia and other members of the Organization of
Petroleum Exporting Countries at the two weeks of talks, which wound up last
night in Lyon, France, was supported by many developing countries and by
China. But it prompted strong criticism from other participants at the
United Nation-sponsored talks, particularly because the move occurred
against a backdrop of widespread protests and transportation disruptions in
Europe over spiking oil prices.

"It's pretty ironic that while OPEC is raising oil prices, they're here
asking for compensation," Jennifer Morgan, who heads the climate change
program of the World Wildlife Fund, said from Lyon in a telephone interview.

The talks were aimed at resolving many differences among countries that have
signed the Kyoto Protocol but have not yet ratified it. The 1997 treaty is
aimed at cutting emissions from industrialized countries of carbon dioxide
and other heat-trapping greenhouse gases to levels about 5 percent below
1990 levels.

The overwhelming source of carbon dioxide is the burning of oil, coal and
other fossil fuels.

Since the first rounds of talks on a climate treaty — in Rio de Janeiro in
1992 — Saudi Arabia, Nigeria and other OPEC members have repeatedly pressed
for compensation for countries that produce or sell oil and coal. Those
countries have often used other tactics to stall progress, critics said,
including making frequent objections over negotiating procedures that have
stalled sessions.

They continued such efforts in Lyon, participants said, despite fuel
shortages and protests that disrupted taxicab and bus service for a few days
at the peak of the conference. Some representatives of industrialized
countries said they were determined to fight language that would provide
payments to oil producers.

OPEC members said they, too, were prepared to fight. Muhammad al-Sabban,
head of the Saudi delegation and senior economic adviser to the Saudi Oil
Ministry, said the movement toward a climate treaty was a clear sign that
the world continued to accelerate its shift away from fossil fuels.

"We are assuming that only for another 15 years, maximum, will we have oil
as a big share of the energy mix," he said. "We are very concerned about

For all its prosperity, he said, Saudi Arabia will still need help in
developing new industries and job sources for its growing population.

Mr. Sabban said a large coalition of developing countries was ready to
reject the treaty language if industrialized nations rejected the idea of
compensating countries whose economies were harmed.

"I'm surprised to see that developed countries expect they can get away with
the things they want without giving equal treatment to what we want," he
said in a telephone interview.

The dispute over whether oil-rich countries should be compensated if the
world weans itself off petroleum was just one of many sharp splits among
participants. The group focused on refining language in the proposed treaty
before foreign ministers convene in November in The Hague to negotiate final
points. Participants and observers from some environmental groups said some
progress had been made on streamlining language so that ministers would have
fewer points to negotiate.

But strong divisions persist over how to damp the greenhouse effect, with
the United States, Russia and other large forested countries pressing
recently to receive credit not just for cutting emissions of gases, but also
for sopping them up by growing more trees or changing farming methods in
ways that pull carbon dioxide from the air.

Europe has opposed that strategy, instead seeking firm commitments to reduce
the output of gases from smokestacks and tailpipes. Other points of
contention include proposed mechanisms through which wealthy countries could
lead poor countries to avoid sharp rises in emissions as their economies
grow, and ways to create a fair system to measure cuts and enforce an

Over all, many negotiators and observers at the conference said in telephone
interviews that they felt confident that a meaningful document would emerge
by November.

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