The Observer (UK)
September 17, 2000
Nuclear disaster averted
Russian power plant workers praised for 'heroic' operation to cool reactors
Amelia Gentleman in Moscow

A nuclear catastrophe - triggered by a fault in Russia's ageing electrical
grid - was averted last week thanks to a 'heroic' emergency operation by
power station workers.

Details of how one of Russia's main nuclear plants and the country's largest
plutonium-processing centre came close to disaster emerged slowly, prompting
new alarm in a country still reeling from a string of disasters.

Nuclear experts said 'courageous' workers at the Beloyarsk power station and
the Mayak reprocessing plant had managed to prevent a Chernobyl-style
accident. Environmental campaigners warned that the crumbling state of
Russia's infrastructure meant such close escapes could be expected with
growing frequency.

Preliminary investigations showed that a short circuit in the regional
electricity system caused a sudden blackout in three nuclear reactors in the
Urals. Its cause remains unclear, although it has been widely attributed to
fault in the poorly maintained network.

Unexpected power cuts at nuclear plants, which are designed to work
ceaselessly, pose a severe risk. There was controversy yesterday over
built-in emergency electricity systems took over as they should have done.
Minatom, Russia's Ministry of Atomic Energy, insisted that all back-up
systems at both sites began working in the seconds after the accident, but
environmental activists reported that the standby electricity generators of
at least one of the reactors had failed to start.

These sources say a technical hitch at the Beloyarsk plant, in the
region, meant that the diesel generators built into the reactor failed to
start automatically. Without a separate supply of electricity, the cooling
system at the heart of the plant allegedly stopped working - causing the
temperature in the core reactor to soar to dangerous levels, as workers lost
control over the chain reactions occurring within.

'The problem was that the diesel generators were in poor condition and so
staff on the plant needed 36 minutes to repair them to get them started,'
said Vladimir Slivyak, co-chairman of the Ecodefence organisation, which has
spent the past week gathering information about the mishap. 'It was up to
personnel on the plant to avert a serious nuclear accident. They worked

Alexei Yablokov of the Centre for Ecological Problems of Russia endorsed
view: 'We were just half an hour from another Chernobyl - had it not been
the professionalism of the plant staff.'

At around lunchtime on Saturday last weekend, a crash echoed from within the
walls of the Beloyarsk compound. Local residents - many of whom were
celebrating the annual town festival - listened in horror. Most of the
who live in Zarechny, the settlement which has grown up around the plant,
either current or former employees - so were well equipped to judge the
gravity of the noise.

The precise cause of the sound remains unclear. Unconfirmed sources suggest
that while technicians struggled to get the diesel generators working, they
were forced to shut down the reactor manually. Residents may have heard
spurting suddenly from the cooling plant, as pressure in the system mounted.

One of the immediate results of the shutdown at Beloyarsk was a power
at the nearby Mayak processing plant in the Chelyabinsk region, where two
reactors were in operation.

The potential consequences of malfunction at the vast, high-security Mayak
plant are no less alarming. Scientists there take spent nuclear fuel from
over the former Soviet Union and convert it into weapons-grade plutonium and
high-level waste. The site is estimated to contain 120 million curies of
radioactive waste - much of it held in liquid form in vast tanks - including
seven times the amount of strontium-90 and caesium-137 that was released in

Mayak was without power for 45 minutes and the reactors were automatically
shut down. The head of the plant, Vitaliy Sadovnikov, told a local newspaper
that this was the worst blackout the station had faced and it was only his
staff's 'near-military discipline' which prevented a serious accident.

He said the back-up electricity provider, designed to cool down the reactors
in the event of such an emergency, had only been started up 30 minutes after
the plant was brought to a halt.

But yesterday Bulat Nigmatulin, a Deputy Minister at Minatom, said these
reports were lies. 'This unpleasant situation came about because for the
first time there was a breakdown in the local energy system,' he said.

'The atomic installations at Beloyarsk and Mayak are protected against this
kind of accident, and on this occasion everything went exactly according to
plan, with on-site emergency electricity sources starting up immediately.'

He said 30-minute delays would have led to explosions in the reactors.

Officials at both plants report there was no radiation contamination as a
result of the emergency shutdowns. Environmental activists in the region
continue to test the site, but are so far satisfied that this is the case.

Although a crisis was averted, analysts agree that both mishaps are sobering
examples of the ease with which a disaster could be sparked.

'The fact that the grid was down for 45 minutes is extremely alarming,
because it means that control was temporarily lost in these crucial nuclear
installations,' said Tobias Muenchmeyer, atomic energy expert with

Some commentators linked the initial power cut to the campaign by Russia's
electricity monopoly to cut off those customers with outstanding debts. They
speculated that by suddenly switching off one area of the grid, Unified
Energy Systems might have precipitated the short circuit. UES officials deny
this, and a government commission has been set up to investigate.

State officials are eager to promote atomic energy as a means of heating and
powering their vast country. A strategy document published by Minatom in May
advocated that Russia should radically increase its nuclear capacity over
next 20 years, building up to 24 new reactors.

Independent experts affirm that over the past five years the number of
emergency shutdowns in Russian reactors has dropped fourfold, and over the
past two years financing of safety monitoring has increased. But the memory
of the Chernobyl disaster 14 years ago remains uncomfortably fresh.


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