full article at http://www.iht.com/IHT/TODAY/TUE/IN/cern.2.html

Paris, Tuesday, September 19, 2000
Glimpse of 'God Particle' Reported
Atom-Smasher Upgrade on Hold as Physicists Pursue Object

By Curt Suplee Washington Post Service

WASHINGTON - Officials at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics, the
giant European atom-smasher center outside Geneva, have decided to delay the
start of construction on the $6 billion Large Hadron Collider - to be the
most powerful particle accelerator ever built - because scientists there may
already have observed one of the phantom objects the new project was
designed to find.
That entity is so important that a Nobel physics laureate, Leon Lederman,
calls it ''the God particle.'' It lies at the heart of one of the most
important mysteries of modern science: What mechanism in nature confers the
property of mass on all the stuff in the universe?

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