Apologies, Rob, for misspelling your name.  I know how to spell it.  And I
should have written more about the weaknesses evident in the US economy.
But off it went.


Eugene Coyle wrote:

> The Minsky zone piece reminded me that I've been thinking that Rob
> Scaap's moment has arrived.  US consumers have been living on the edge
> and now face much higher costs for commuting, home heating, electric
> power --- all busting the budgets.
>     Meanwhile car and truck sales have been sustained only by large and
> larger price cuts, and now profits are topping out and slipping.  Stock
> prices aren't going up, and lots are going down.
>     If the US goes, can Europe and Asia be far behind?
>     This may be the moment that Rob has foreseen.
> Gene Coyle

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