At 09:27 AM 9/21/00 -0400, you wrote:
>some of the best examples are available in another new book from Schor, 
>coedited with Douglas Holt, The Consumer Society Reader. The benchmarks 
>make the book worth buying: Marx on commodity fetishism; Veblen on 
>"conspicuous consumption"; Galbraith on how corporations manufacture 
>desires that they claim to be satisfying; Baudrillard on how consumer 
>desires resemble the logic of dreams; Betty Friedan's matchless chapter 
>from The Feminine Mystique on the fabrication of a new, hyper-consuming 
>housewife ideal in the '50s.

I don't see how Marx on commodity fetishism fits with the rest of these. 
He's dealing with a completely different topic.


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