This is also Frank Hahn's argument, as I understand it.  But Sraffian prices are
determined independently of demand. Now I suppose that one could set up one's
argument so that such a difference was presented as a "special case" -- a
"special case" where demand doesn't play any role, etc.-- but such a fundamental
difference seem to me to constitute more than that.  In Sraffa there are no
demand curves for "factors"--there is no functional relationship between the
real wage and the demand for labor or the interest rate and the demand for
"capital".  Equating equilibrium analysis with the analysis of conditions of
social reproduction is missing something very important, imho. Mat

From: Jim Devine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

(Gil Skillman has argued on pen-l that the 
neo-Ricardian apparatus is merely a special case of the Arrow-Debreu-Walras 
theory, but I don't know if I'd go that far.)

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