Mr. William Keller
Managing Editor
New York Times
239 West 43rd Street
New York, NY 10036

                                         Re: NYT Pay Per View News
                                               Starring Kurt Eichenwald
                                               Letter No. 6

Dear Mr. Keller:

Eichenwald and the Time’s reluctance to write about Archer Daniels
involvement in Cuba, and ADM’s covert power plays in sending Elian
back to Cuba is disgusting.  I remind you that Eichenwald knew and
that if ADM were not involved in Cuba we probably would not have heard
the Elian Gonzalez saga.

I would suggest you go to and under documents go to item
number five and read “Elian’s fate was decided in the fall of 1995 by
O. Andreas Chairman of Archer Daniels Midland Company and Fidel Castro
dinner in New York City.”  We compiled information that we thought was
newsworthy, but the Times would not touch it.  Our investigation reveals

this story should be told, as it involves a publicly traded company’s
being used for Catholic charities, corrupt politicians, Williams and
Connolly and, of course, Attorney General Reno’s Justice Department.

Williams & Connolly who represents ADM also represented Juan Gonzalez
father of Elian.  The money to pay the lawyer for Juan was paid for by
Andreas and his toadies, which has been confirmed on audiotape even
ADM denies it.  Williams & Connolly also represents the Catholic Church,

which ADM uses to funnel food to dictators to empower them and deprive
country’s people of basic civil rights.  In 1998 ADM donated to Cuba 260

metric tons of soy-based products through the Federal Association of the

Order of Malta, an international Catholic relief organization.  Again in

1999 ADM donated 100 metric tons of powdered soy beverages for
to children within the Republic of Cuba through Caritas Cubana, a
non-governmental organization (NGO) affiliated with the Roman Catholic
Church.  Sister Jeanne O’Laughlin, the president of Barry University who

spoke out against sending Elian back to Cuba in April, has been as quiet
a church mouse since May after Dwayne Andreas donated $5 million dollars
Barry.  ADM, the admitted price fixer to the world, has never given
to anyone unless it gets something in return.  Andreas loves to portray
himself as the great philanthropist when many feel ADM actually stands
“A Devil in Masquerade.”  I wish one of your honest reporters would get
permission from Eichenwald to write about ADM and Cuba.  This past March
ship chartered to ADM was caught trying to smuggle rice into Haiti to
paying duty.   ADM didn’t use Catholic charities to funnel the food into

Haiti, because the Haitians have nothing ADM needs.

The politicians and former Secretaries of Agriculture who have been
to lift the embargo against Cuba are all on the take from ADM in one way
another.  John Block is a board member and also on the public policy
committee at ADM with Andrew Young, a board member and president of the
United Council of Churches.  Those wanting to deal with the dictator
are Frank Carlucci, former defense secretary and national security
William Clark, also a former national security advisor; Carla Hills,
U.S. special trade representative; Illinois Governor, George (lying)
who had a sleepover at the White House; John Whitehead, a former deputy
secretary of state; Clayton Yeutter, a former U.S. special trade
representative, agriculture secretary and chairman of the Republican
National Committee; and John Couter, a former New Jersey congressman who

served on the House Armed Services Committee for 14 years.  These people
nobodies, and are bought and paid for by special interest money to
to lift the embargo.  Congressmen Roy Blunt of Missouri, George
of Washington, and House Speaker Dennis Hastert of Illinois, along with
Senators Pat Roberts from Kansas, Chuck Hagel from Nebraska, and Trent
from Mississippi all are recipients of ADM pac money and other
The importance of telling this story is that ADM is the largest welfare
recipient of funds from the government, who then uses the money for
donations to politicians, agriculture organizations, Catholic charities
other non-governmental organizations to undermine the democratic
If the Times doesn’t feel this is an important issue, then it is quite
evident you agree with the statement Dwayne Andreas made to “Mother
Magazine” in 1995, “People who are not from the Midwest do not
this is a socialist country.”   Obviously, the Times the “newspaper of
record” agrees, as they won’t expose the criminal activity of ADM.  When

this nation becomes socialistic, you can change the name of your paper
Pravda, or if you hire more pay per view Eichenwalds you can rename it
“Lying Times.”

Regarding Eichenwald’s book touted as a true story, Alan Guebert, the
largest syndicated ag columnist whose weekly column appears in many
throughout the country, thinks otherwise. In the South Bend Tribune his
column titled “Some facts are more fiction than true in The Informant.”
Guebert points out a few of the many mistakes that appear in The
One, there is no interstate 36 highway in the state of Illinois.  Also,
Amtrak could not have pulled slowly into the station in Decatur carrying
team of prosecutors in late 1994, as the passenger train has not dropped
passengers since the mid 80’s.  Guebert pointed out that the book often
refers to ADM as a grain producer.  ADM is a grain processor.  He also
pointed out that Humphrey did not lose the election by a rout; he lost
less than 1% of the popular vote. To get the whole article you may want
contact Alan at his e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I sometimes
wonder if
Eichenwalds father paid for an education at Swarthmore College, or did
pay them to just give him a diploma.  Once again I am shocked that he
controls what is printed in the Times about ADM and the Andreas Crime
who are all truly “Rats In The Grain.”

If you or any readers of this letter are missing past “NYT Pay Per View
letters” they can e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] and they will be e-mailed to

you.  If you are looking for a great reporter, you might contact Paul
Brinkmann of the Decatur Herald & Review.  He was pulled off of covering

ADM, because truth is not appreciated in the socialistic society that
Andreas wants to create.  Brinkmann wrote about ADM’s connection to
Gonzalez while in Havana in January 1999.  Now that shows courage!  This

should have been a story for Eichenwald about a fellow investigative
reporter being pulled from his beat for showing courage, since both were

covering ADM.  Another source of information concerning ADM and Cuba is

Still waiting to hear from you.  Confucius said, “There are three marks
of a
superior man: being virtuous, he is free from anxiety; being wise, he is

free from perplexity; being brave, he is free from fear.”


David Hoech


Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929
fax 530-898-5901

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