>Building Protests in Support of The Palestinians-
>This forward is to the Action Alert page for the AAADC,, which is
>beginning to list the demonstrations being built around the United
>States.  In addition, one should feel free to contact the mosques
>in your community, to find out if other protests are being planned that
>have not yet been added to this list.
>Hopefully Raph Nader will break his silence on foreign afffairs and will 
>speak out against this new wave of US supported Israeli >terrorism. 
>Thelocal Green Party should be pressured to mobilize their >activists for 
>these protests, also.     As should all activist Left >groups.
>Tony Abdo
>X-URL-Title: American Arab Anti Discrimination Committee

Yesterday (Fri., Oct. 6), we had a demonstration in Columbus, Ohio
against the Israeli massacre & repression of Palestinians.  The demo
was organized by a local group Coalition for Palestine, and about 200
people came.  The anger and frustration of diasporic Palestinians
(against Israel, against the U.S. government, against the unjust
compromise made by the Palestinian Authority, against the local
police) boiled over, and the protest was very militant (the local
news programs, however, gave only 5-10 seconds to the event).

Any news of protests elsewhere?


Hi Yoshie,

Yes.  On Friday October 6, I was one of about 200 people protesting in 
downtown Sacramento against the US-backed Israeli attacks on Palestinian 
civilians.  Passers-by were very supportive.  Groups involved included the 
American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, Committees for a Democratic 
Palestine and Peace Action.  My friend Ken Adams (running on the Green Party 
ticket against Democratic Representative Robert Matsui, Fifth Congressional 
District, Sacramento) mobilized Greens to protest.  I took photos for the 
Nov./Dec. issue of Because People Matter, Sacramento’s progressive 
bi-monthly newspaper.

A Palestinian woman I spoke with at the protest said that earlier in the day 
around 1,200 demonstrators had gathered at the State Capitol to oppose the 
US-backed violence against the Palestinians (“hundreds of demonstrators” 
according to The Sacramento Bee, 10-7-00, which also made no mention of how 
many people protested in the demo I attended).  I asked her if anybody had 
contacted Matsui's office to protest the US-Israeli policy of pursuing 
"peace" by robbing and shooting Palestinians.  No, she responded.  I offered 
her tips on how she might proceed.

(Note: In late September, I was one of six members of the Sacramento 
Coalition to End the Sanctions Against Iraq and Yugoslavia to meet with Anne 
Valenti, District Director to Representative Robert Matsui, Fifth 
Congressional District, Sacramento.  We provided information about the 
history and effects of the US-backed UN sanctions against Iraq.  In 
addition, we also asked to meet with Rep. Matsui during the October 
Congressional recess for him to clarify his position on the Iraq sanctions.)

On Oct. 6, an activist friend told me this was the first time in her memory 
that people from Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria had publicly demonstrated 
in Sacramento to support the liberation struggle of the Palestinian people.  
Most encouraging!  The underreported story is how the populations in the 
Arab client states in the Middle East are supporting the Palestinian 
uprising and by extension threatening Uncle Hegemon's rule there.

Seth Sandronsky

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