Below is another significant article by Filipovic on account of which a 
prolific member of this list believes  "of course he belongs in prison".

As a locally based journalist Filipovic was reporting substantial 
resistance to being drafted into the army 6 months ago.

It would have been in the interests of Milosevic if this article had been 
published internally in Yugoslavia, rather than to find six months later, 
the head of the army declining to put the army on the streets to protect 
the regime.

A credible account of that conversations has Pavlovic (sp?) advising 
Milosevic that if he put tanks on the streets of Belgrade, the next thing 
would be pictures of demonstrators climbing on top of the tanks and 
soldiers embracing them in tears.

Tanks were not placed on the streets of Belgrade on the Thursday of the 
(counter) revolution.

The report gathered by Filipovic below says little about NATO bombing, and 
much about the unease among Yugoslav conscripts about fighting other 
citizens or former citizens of Yugoslavia. It seems likely that it has some 
of the features of the White Rose resistance to Nazism that emerged in 
catholic Munich with very litte planning as news came back from the eastern 

It seems likely that the protests Filipovic reports, were spurred by 
apprehension of a war with Montenegro. Without necessarily consulting the 
marxist textbooks, the protestors preferred a line of revolutionary defeatism.

The attitudes described in this article written in March are consistent 
with the behaviour of the army and the police during the recent revolution 
(Proyect: "counter-revolution") in Yugoslavia.

Concerning the argument that this article should not have been published on 
a web-site sponsored among others by Ford, I think we have to consider the 
possibility that faced with the difficulty of getting it published 
internally, Filipovic thought it in the interests of unity between working 
peoples to have it published on the net, even though it was on a site 
supported by the big international bourgeoisie.

No doubt Filipovic did not study Lenin before he took this action, and no 
doubt it would have shown better taste to publish it say, on the pages of 
Amnesty International. Nevertheless perhaps he thought the IWPR was likely 
to be the most effective way of getting the information out, and, of 
course, accessible to other Serbs with internet access. His action could be 
justified as in line with Lenin's remark in July 1917

"*for the good of the cause*, the proletariat will always support not only 
the vacillating petty bourgeoisie, but even the big bourgeoisie."

The article, it may be point out, gives evidence of some anti-communism in 
the reference to the "Red Gang", and to subsidies by the European Community 
designed to interfere politically.

But furthermore  this article is an  example of those which, in the opinion 
of one of the prolific users of this list, and of the internet generally, 
should not have been published and for which the author "of course" 
"belongs" in jail. [i.e. now].

Chris Burford


Serbs Defy Draft

Hundreds of army reservists have taken to the streets of Kraljevo to 
protest against the Yugoslav government's latest draft.

By Miroslav Filipovic in Kraljevo (BCR No. 124, 14-Mar-00)

Government officials sent to round-up army reservists in the Kraljevo area 
of central Serbia got more than they bargained for when they arrived in the 
village of Stubal.

About 200 protestors, upset by the death of three local men in the recent 
Kosovo conflict, met the officials with a barrage of insults and invective. 
"Red Gang! Go and Get Marko!" they shouted, referring to the son of 
Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic. "Fuck You Milosevic!" they chanted 
before driving the officials from the village with wooden staves.

The confrontation between the protesters, armed with sticks and 
agricultural tools, and the draft officials, accompanied by Yugolsav Army, 
VJ, officers, could easily have ended in tragedy.

One of the officials, Ljubinko Milojevic, said, "They wanted to hurt us. At 
one point I thought about pulling out a gun and shooting in the air. But we 
reached the car and left the village."

This latest call-up of reserve soldiers began seven days ago in central and 
southern Serbia, in the towns of Nis, Leskovac, Vranje, Kraljevo, Raska, 
Krusevac and Kursumlija.

Some observers have noted that the draft is affecting areas controlled by 
opposition political parties, particulalry those areas, which received 
heating fuel from the European Union under last winter's "Energy for 
Democracy" programme.

General Nebojsa Pavkovic, chief of the VJ general staff, has denied 
reservists are being drafted, insisting they are being called-up for 
"regular training." The draftees, the majority of whom have already fought 
in Milosevic's wars, dismiss his claim, convinced they being mobilized for 
a new war.

Some believe they will be sent to southern Serbia to fight Albanian 
militants. Some think they'll be dispatched to Kosovo again to take on NATO 
forces and Kosovo Albanians. And some suspect they will be used to confront 
the Montenegrins.

But the willingness of reservists to take part in new military adventures 
has gone. In Kraljevo, a town where the opposition Serbian Renewal Movement 
and Democratic Party hold power, only 15 per cent of reservists have 
responded to the call-up.

"If they mobilize me now, it will be my fifth war," said Igor from Novi 
Selo. "I was in Croatia, Bosnia, and twice in in Kosovo. I was wounded 
twice, and I lost three friends. I don't know I can survive all this."

A Kraljevo mother, Dragica Pesic, watched her three sons go off to the war 
in Kosovo. After two days of intense worry, her husband Stojan joined up as 
a volunteer to be with his sons.

"I went insane with worry then," Dragica said. "Now they are drafting them 
again. The police came to our door and said my sons are deserters. I will 
not let them go. Where are they going? To fight their brothers in 
Montenegro? I've told them, if they decide to go again, they should bury me 

Opposition to military service is much more open than last year. During the 
NATO bombing campaign parents hid their sons. Now protesters are prepared 
to confront the authorities.

On March 13, around 200 furious reservists descended on Kraljevo town 
centre to demand an explanation from the military. Kraljevo mayor, Mladomir 
Novakovic, said he tried to get someone from the VJ to talk to the 
protestors, to calm the situation. "No one in the army would admit they 
were in charge," he said.

The protestors sent a list of demands to the VJ general staff, calling for 
an immediate halt to the call-up of veterans from all the former Yugoslav 
wars and the demobilisation of those already drafted. All 200 reservists 
signed the attached petition.

The town's mayor has called an emergency session of the local assembly. "We 
will tell the regime not to drag our young men into their private wars ever 
again," Novakovic said. "If Milosevic really wants to go to war, he should 
do it alone with his police."

Pupils from the local high school, excused classes because of a strike by 
teachers, also lent their support to the protest.

Zoran, a final year pupil, said, "Tomorrow it will be our turn, these 
officials will draft us and fill coffins with our bodies. For that reason 
we want, while there is still time for us, to try and put a stop to this 
and any other draft."

Dusan Vukovic, whose only son died in Kosovo, called on the people of 
Kraljevo to continue defying the draft. He held Milosevic responsible for 
the death of his son and 75 other young Kraljevo recruits killed in Kosovo. 
"I wish him [Milosevic] the same fate as me - mourning clothes and no heirs."

Such is the scale of resistance to the call-up, the military authorities 
have called in the civilian police to help roundup draft-dodgers. And 
accusations of police brutality are adding to the sense of bitterness.

Dragan Nikolic, from a village west of Kraljevo, said four police officers 
arrived at his farm to collect his brother. "They fell on my brother, 
pushing him to the ground, " he said. " Two other officers appeared from 
the backyard, tied him up and threw him into the back of the van like an 

Another reservist said he had responded to the call-up because he knew the 
police were arresting those who refused to come forward. He said that 
police had brought two men to his army barracks the day before, "Both were 
tied up and looked like they had been beaten."

Miroslav Filipovic is a correspondent for Danas in Kraljevo.

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