>Empiricism and a rigorously historical approach (as one part of an 
>approach that
>includes also theory, even theory at a very high level of abstraction) are not
>the same thing! Empiricism carries with it certain specific 
>epistemological and
>ontological commitments that history need not. In fact, empiricism 
>is often, if
>not always, ahistorical.

Yes, but most people -- many Marxists included -- seem to think that 
they are doing history when they are actually doing empiricism.  An 
effect of commodity fetishism, Marx says, which makes us unable to 
see emergences & discontinuities in history.  This has especially 
been a major problem when it came to questions of sex, gender, & 
sexuality in Marxism.  In this area, Foucault, for all his professed 
anti-Marxism, thought more like a historical materialist than most 
Marxists of his generation did, for sure.


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