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           The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 27 October 2000
                       Vol. 4, Number 87 (#482)

Rightwing Web Sites of Interest:
    The Eurasian Anti-Imperialist Resource Center
    The Website of the World Aryan Party
Book/Movie Reviews:
Index to FTP Supplement #166 (#480): Roten and Florida's Skinhead Murder
Rightwing Quote of the Week:
    Ron Edwards (Imperial Wizard of the Imperial Klans of America),
       "Resignation Letter," 7 Oct 00
What's Worth Checking: 10



The Eurasian Anti-Imperialist Resource Center

The Website of the World Aryan Party

"... The World Aryan Party is a political party acting for Aryan Unity on
an international basis.  A political party dedicated to the preservation
and the promotion of the Aryan culture and the Aryan way of life.  We at
the World Aryan Party are different from any other political organization.
We consider that every war that has ever been fought between one Western
nation and another to has essentially have been the same thing.  Regardless
of which war, the American Revolution, the English Civil War, the Jacobite
Rebellions, the Seven Years War, World Wars One and Two, and all the other
Wars were all the same thing; Civil Wars between the Aryan people.

"We must put petty partisan political disputes that leads Aryans to waging
war against one another behind us.  All the other political parties in
Western nations, whether the Democrat, Republican, Labor, Liberal,
Conservative, Socialist, Social Democrats, and even the Christian
Socialists have all ultimately betrayed Aryan man.  Some of these political
parties have pursued wealth for a small group of aristocrats; wealth that
can only come from taking the earnings away from Aryan workers.  While
other of these political parties have pursued the goal of social
redistribution of wealth for minorities; that is they wish to steal from
Aryan workers and give to poor immigrants.  What about Poor white people?

"Apparently poor working whites don't count to either the Liberals or the
Fiscal Conservatives.  And yet some of those political parties mentioned
above pursue a policy of nationalism for only their nation state.  These
are the political parties that wish to pursue a policy of German
aggrandizement at the expense of France or Poland, or even those parties
that wish to pursue a policy of British hegemony over Western Europe or
those who wish to pursue a policy of American economic hegemony of the
entire World.

"All of these policies are to the disadvantage of Aryan men.  Aryans in
France, Germany, Russia, Italy, Spain, Australia, South Africa, America,
England, Argentina, Scotland and all the other countries where they live,
must come together and recognize one another as their brothers and sisters.
No more family feuding.  We must reject those parties that would do us harm
and that would have us fight our own brothers and sisters.  We are Aryan.
We are One Race, Our Culture, One Family.  Let's start acting like it. ..."



Thursday, 26 October 2000 FTP Supplement #166 (#480)
Roten and Florida's Skinhead Murder Trial

1) Hate Crime Guidelines in Florida
2) "Florida v. Roten: Racially motivated or sheer coincidence?," 17 Oct 00
3) "Tearful testimony from father of murder victim," 19 Oct 00
4) "Roten's ex-girlfriend testifies," 23 Oct 00
5) "Roten's friend, mother take the stand: Katherine Wooley testifies for
     the state against her son, Jessy Roten," 23 Oct 00
6) "Experts duel over skinhead's account of shooting ," 24 Oct 00



For those who believe that fascism is only a thing of the past

Resignation Letter
Ron Edwards (Imperial Wizard of the Imperial Klans of America)
7 Oct 00

Greetings Patriots,

Greatings IKA members, supporters, friends, and the Imperial Board,

This is a very hard letter that I am having to write at this time. I have
loved being and belonging to the Ku Klux Klan. I have worked very hard over
the years to wake up our people, to bring back the Christian faith to the
Klan.  I have gone from Klansman to Knight, to County Kleagle, to Dragon,
Imperial Klaliff, acted as Wizard for 1 year before I was voted into the
office of Imperial Wizard of the Imperial Klans of America, and I have been
Imperial Wizard for almost 4 years now and that is and has been an honor
for me and anyone to hold that office. It is very sad that I must resign
from the office of Imperial Wizard and the IKA at this time. Brother Dale I
have known for 6 or 7 years and he is a great man.  A man who says what he
believes to be true and will work very hard for you as Imperial Wizard.  He
knows the Klan and laws of it. He will be taking on a very big and hard job
as Imperial Wizard of the IKA.  For this job is not an easy one.

I have more than one reason that I must resign.  I will state a few of them
right now. Being Imperial Wizard, I have been raided and can't find around
here to help pay the bills and feed my family!  I'll go over this once more
now.   Some of our membership have questioned why I am not working. I have
worked year after year for almost 8 years straight being a member and
leader of the Klan.  Now for the past 2 or 3 years I have only worked part
time, I am in the painter's union local 456 out of Nashville TN.  In order
for me to make money to pay bills and get food to feed my family I have to
travel out of state and that may keep me away for 12, 15, 20, or even 30
days at a time. I did that for years being a Dragon and it was very hard on
me. Some people may sit around and say, "Ron is not working, but living off
of the Klan"! I say to them (If you call working 7 days a week and
sometimes 16 to 18 hours a day for over 4 years, not working but living off
of the Klan).  Let me see what they could do!  Don't talk about it, show
me. For years I gave time and money to this movement.  I was happy to, and
still am without regret!  After being raided by the FBI, BATF,U.S.
Marshalls, and KY State Police it has been very hard to find a local job to
help pay the bills that I was getting way behind on.  The Klan didn't have
the money coming in to do it!!  I must again start going out of stste to
find work.  I have also not taken any time off of working for the Klan in
almost 10 years. I need some time to get myself pulled back together.
Believe me, I am not giving up, I will always believe and always have my
faith in Christian Identity and the faith of waking our people up.  Now
Brother Dale needs your help and support.  I ask all of you to help and
show your support to him.  I wish him well.  I am turning over all office
supplies, web sites, discs, passwords, and hotmail accounts to Brother
Dale.  Brother Dale is now Imperial Wizard.  Brother Dennis Realm of
Missouri in now Grand Titan. Brother David Realm of Ohio is now Grand
Titan.  Brother Jason Realm of AR is now Grand Titan, and Brother Andy
Realm of Florida is State Knighhawk.  All of these brothers will sit on the
Imperial Board.  Brother Jamey - AR  Grand Kleagle will also sit on the
Imperial Board.  Brother Dale will pick the others.  It will be two members
from each state that has a Klavern.   Again, I ask that all please help
Brother Dale in this hard task that has been given him.

   --  Your Brother in Christ our Savior,
       Ron Edwards


                         WHAT'S WORTH CHECKING
    stories via <ftp://ftp.nyct.net/pub/users/tallpaul/publish/story7/>

12News.com, "Police Bust Fake ID Ring, Related To Aryan Brotherhood," 5 Oct
00, "Today DPS investigators broke up a fake ID ring they say is linked to
the Aryan Brotherhood. Search warrants resulted in two arrests this
morning. Both Tiffany Burt and Lisa Troutman were taken into custody and
are now behind bars." <1901.txt>

BBC, "Racist attacks up in Germany," 12 Oct 00, "Figures released by the
German interior ministry show that there's been an upsurge in attacks by
rightwing extremists against foreigners and Jews. The figures reveal that
attacks increased by nearly a fifth in the first eight months of this year,
compared with the same period in 1999." <1902.txt>

People's Daily, "French Leaders Condemn Anti-Semitic Demonstrations," 11
Oct 00, "French President Jacques Chirac and Prime Minister Lionel Jospin
Wednesday condemned the anti-Semitic demonstrations and attacks which took
place in the Paris region over the past few days. 'The demonstrations of
intolerance are unacceptable to a democratic country,' Chirac said in a
statement issued by the Elysee presidential palace." <1903.txt>

BBC, "Russia rejects US complaint over religion," 13 Oct 00, "Russia has
rejected suggestions by the United States that it is guilty of religious
intolerance. Last week the State Department urged Russia to thoroughly
investigate incidents of alleged intolerance, including one in September in
which masked attackers are said to have vandalized a Jewish school...."

Linda Deutsch (AP), "Lawyers Seek SLA Shootout Files," 4 Oct 00, "Lawyers
for former Symbionese Liberation Army fugitive Sara Jane Olson want law
enforcement agencies to resurrect long buried files on the May 1974
shootout that claimed the lives of six SLA members. The lawyers said in
motions filed Tuesday in Superior Court that they need the reords to prove
that SLA members were targeted for death by the Los Angeles Police
Department." <1905.txt>

Human Rights Watch, "Pakistan Coup Anniversary: Human Rights Abuses
Rampant," 10 Oct 00, "Human Rights Watch today accused Pakistan's military
rulers of committing widespread abuses in the name of political 'reform,'
and called on General Pervez Musharraf to immediately return the country to
constitutional rule." <1906.txt>

AP, "Attempted arson at synagogue is latest anti-Semitic attack," 12 Oct
00, "The door of a synagogue was doused with gasoline and set on fire in
southern France, police said Thursday, in the latest in a series of anti-
Jewish attacks across the country." <1907.txt>

Victoria Riskin, Mike Farrell (Human RIghts Watch -- California),
"Profiting on the Backs of Child Laborers," 12 Oct 00, "Damaris was 13
years old when she began working in the broccoli and lettuce fields of
Arizona. During peak season, she would often work 14 hours a day in 100-
degree temperatures. For months on end she suffered frequent nosebleeds and
nearly passed out on several occasions. Despite illness from exposure to
dangerous pesticides, she kept on working." <1908.txt>

American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), "ADC Action Alert:
Protest Extremely Hateful Coverage of Palestinians in Slate," 14 Oct 00,
"The explosion of hostile and biased anti-Arab sentiment in the American
media during the past two weeks of the uprising in the occupied Palestinian
territories has escaped no one's attention.  However, yesterday's edition
of the online magazine Slate includes some of the most hostile and biased
coverage yet seen, including the use of outright obscenity to describe
Palestinians, something rarely if ever seen in the US press." <1909.txt>

American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), "ADC Press Release:
Outrageous Anti-Arab Racism From Florida GOP Candidate," 16 Oct 00, "Today
the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) the nation's largest
Arab-American membership organization, strongly condemned racist anti-Arab
remarks by Ric Keller, the Republican nominee for the House of
Representatives from central Florida's 8th district.  At an event on Oct.
12, Keller said 'I think Palestinians are lower than pond scum' and
endorsed Israel's bombing of defenseless Palestinian cities." <1910.txt>

                            * * * * *

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