maoist news from my father in law:

-------- Original Message --------
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2000 17:12:51 +0500

Dear Norman,
Now the situation of Nepal is little better after using the armies to fight
with Maiosts. The Maiois are not killing the policemen due to the fear of
army. The army has given the S. L. R. (Self Loading Rifles) to the policemen
to using on the fight with Maoists. But up to now the fight has not started
between such kind of police and Maoists. The Maoists also has not
started to fight with the army seriously but the otherday yesterday some
firing was helf on the army pattrolling. But no loss has been there.
Now there are 75 districts in Nepal. Amonng them the armies are used in
16 districts specially in the western Nepal. But on other districts also
the activities of Maoists is spreading. In my native district (Terhathum
district) no Maoist was before but before 3 days they cought fire in one
police station but at that time all police personnel were on the
pattrolling. It was the first action ;by them. So they are spreading day
by day. My native district is in the far eastern Nepal.

Hari Bhakta.

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