Regarding a Slate column claiming RN is
trying to cause a Gore defeat . . .

> > [The piece raises two questions: 1) Is this really Ralph's strategy? and
> 2)
> > Is it correct?]
> No and no.
> I noted before the difference between saying Bush and Gore
> are the same and a "worse the better" posture.
> There should be no surprise at the idea that a goal of the
> Greens/Nader would be to destroy the Dems.  That's the
> only way they would come to equal the major parties in
> prominence.
> Of course, when you provide competitive pressure on
> another party, they adapt to meet that threat.  So the
> 'threat' to the Dems is as much a threat to make them
> change as it is to replace them.  THAT'S THE ONLY
> contrast, we can all see how Jesse's periodic fits
> have worn completely thin.  No threat, no pressure.
> It could be that RN is actually calibrating his moves
> to cause a Gore loss.  I wouldn't know, but I can
> understand why.  As the backbiting escalates, any
> Nader symp is likely to feel increasingly p.o.'ed at
> the statements of our pro-Gore comrades.  I feel
> this every time I read another liberal attack on RN
> in the Post, knowing full well no response would
> be permitted in the same forum.  There has only
> been the obligatory column by RN himself today,
> which I didn't think much of, BTW.
> Just as the Clinton and Gore White House's have
> and would provide no forum for progressives.  Clinton
> has feted people like Anthony Robbins and Charles
> Murray.  He had a forum on Soc Sec which basically
> shut out left critics of the scare campaigns.  Very
> annoying, to put it mildly.
> So all I can say in response to this sort of attack
> is "triangulate this."
> mbs
> >

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