>Myron Magnet is cut from similar cloth as Olasky. The conservative prophet
>sports big Dickensian bushy whiskers (apparently inspired by a stay at
>Cambridge University), and a Victorian philosophy to match.

As a Cantabridgean (Kings '82), I take exception to this characterization. 
Oxford is the reactionary place. Cambs is the home of all the Cambridge 
Commies, remember? When I got there in '80, the secretary at the college 
apologized for the confusion: they were recovering from another student 
occupation. Within a  week or so of my arrival, I was part of a large demo, 
including many distinguished dons like Raymond Williams, against the Chilean 
ambassador. And the Cambs style runs to clean-shaven, in emulation of 
Wittgenstein, himself a compsym who thanks Sraffa, the neo-Ricardan 
Stalinist and friend of Gramsci, in his acknowledgement to the Phil 
Investigations. Cambs is a locus for the revolt of the priviliged! --jks
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