
Please forward far and wide:

According to news reports this night, there are apparently as many as
24,000 votes in question now in Florida. In addition to the 3,407 votes
cast for Buchanan in Palm Beach County, it has now been reported by the
Associated Press that about 19,000 votes in PB County were voided because
they were punched with two holes for the presidential selection.
Obviously, some of these COULD be attributed to accidents. But 19,000
votes is a lot of votes.

Only speculation can answer the obvious questions at this time, but these
irregularities are mounting.

There is also a batch of 1,600 votes for Gore that were voided because of
an apparent computer glitch. Add to this reports from the NAACP that black
men were harassed at at least one polling place where the sheriff's's
office had officers on the ground asking black men to see their
identification and telling some that they were not eligible to vote
because of convictions.

Julian Bond from the NAACP made this charge on MSNBC tonight. To say that
there were voting irregularities in Florida is now a serious

All the networks called Florida for Gore only moments after the polls
closed there. They apparently based this call on exit polls. But the Bush
campaign questioned this call based on their own exit polls, supposedly.
Question: How were Bush's exit polls so drastically different from the
networks'? And then we find 24,000 votes in question as well as reports of
intimidation against black voters at at least one polling place. And Jeb
Bush is governor there. Something is rotten in the state of Florida. Dare
I say coup d'etat?

What to do? I say we get calls going into Florida news outlets as well as
national outlets expressing our concern and outrage at these reports. I
say we call our Congressional offices to let them know we are paying close
attention. Any ideas on how to get something like this organized?

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