Hinrich Kuhls wrote:

> (Posted by Carmen Continuduro to another list: a retrospective preview of
> the advance election situation in 2008 - the next President's final year in
> office.)
> History was making fast.

Interesting -- except that the invocation of "the middle class" eliminates any
relationship it might have to reality. As far as I can tell by reading this
piece, in it "middle class" means workers or working-class leaders that the
author dislikes. It certainly does not point to any idenifiable sector of the

I think the elimination of "middle class" (or such subterfuges as PMC) from
leftist thought is one of the two or three chief theoretical victories that
have to be won prior to the creation of a workers' party in the U.S. All one
has to do is say "middle class" and minds go to sleep.


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