-------- Original Message --------
Subject: It wasn't Nader, it was Buchanan, who cost Gore the election
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2000 20:19:01 -0800
From: Jim Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It wasn't Nader, it was Buchanan, who cost Gore the election

by Jim Smith
L.A. Labor News

One hundred million Americans took the Coke-Pepsi taste test and, as a
whole, couldn't tell the difference, in spite of a $300 million
advertising budget. The two parties knew it was coming to that, so they
did what almost any American might have done in such a high-stakes game
they cheated.

In Palm Beach County, Florida, the ballots was constructed in such a way
that the hole to punch to vote for Pat Buchanan overlapped Al Gore's
line. As a result, Buchanan got a surprising 3,407 votes. In the nearby,
and larger, counties of Boward and Dade, Buchanan received 1,212 and 561
votes, respectively. According to Prof. Norbert Schwarz of the
of Michigan, this ballot trick cost Gore 2,200 votes. His regression
analysis graph shows an unbelievable result

The election was severely flawed from the git-go (as they say in Texas).
The events of Nov. 7 merely compounded the problem. The two corporate
candidates and political aristocrats - one the son of a president and
grandson of a Connecticut senator, the other the son of a Tennessee
senator and the great-grandson of an Oklahoma senator, tried and failed
to convince us they were "just folks." One candidate was repudiated by
the voters of his home state, the other came in second in the popular
vote but, likely, first in the electoral college.

How can 21st century voters legitimize a candidate placed in office only
by the Electoral College, an undemocratic institution designed by the
"founding fathers" to ensure that large property owners (including slave
owners) controlled the presidency.

On Nov. 7, a year's worth of expensive propaganda went down the drain
both candidates. Their parties now have to scramble for real or imagined
Florida ballots. Can Chicago's Mayor Dailey's son, William Dailey, who
Gore's campaign manager help the Democrats out? Can the anti-democratic
Cubans in Miami help the Republicans out? According to one Democratic
Party spokesperson, there have been "thousands of elections violations
Florida." These include reports that police harassed African-Americans
trying to vote in Northern Florida (Surely this couldn't happen in Jeb
and George Bush's South?). On Nov. 8, a "misplaced" ballot box in Miami
was found. They say this one didn't contain ballots but can others be

As in any other country, when votes take hours or days to be counted, a
suspicion of ballot fraud grows. Why isn't Madeleine Albright screaming
for a new election under NATO or UN supervision? Will Bush take office
even if he comes in second in the popular vote? Perhaps he should do the
honorable thing, like Slobodan Milosevic, and step aside. Talking about
Milosevic, Bush said on Oct. 5: "The people have spoken. It is time for
Mr. Milosevic to go." In fairness to Bush, Milosevic didn't step down
until after protesters had burned the parliament building.

If Bush doesn't practice what he preaches, then how's this for a new
"Watergate" scenario? Bush takes office but evidence mounts that
Republicans had engaged in illegal activities to steal the election in
Florida. What did George know and when did he know it? Will a special
prosecutor be appointed before or after inauguration day?

Who are the winners and losers in this election? Certainly whoever is
certified as the new president is a loser from day one because of his
lack of electoral credibility. All 100 million voters will be losers, as
will our fragile democracy, if the guy who came in second is named the
winner. Al Gore will be a big loser if the dumb guy from Texas beats

And how about Pat Buchananšs credibility? How was the man who stood
shoulder to shoulder with labor leaders James Hoffa and John Sweeney,
last April, able to take $13 million in federal funding and do a
political disappearing act? Is he really that inept (except for his
stellar performance in Palm Beach County) or was he persuaded to take a

Even Bill Clinton had a rough election day as he endured probably the
toughest interview of his presidency at the hands of Amy Goodman

A big winner has to be Ralph Nader who refused to be bowed by the
unceasing attacks on his candidacy by the Democrats. Nader gave as good
as he got and, for many, achieved heroic stature in this election. Had
there been a level playing field - equal funding, real debates, media
coverage - Nader would have won, going away.

Ralph didnšt win the presidency but he did build a movement and carve
a new, if informal, office for himself - tribune of the people. The
ancient Roman office by that name held veto power over any laws enacted
by the patrician Senate. With Naderšs help, we can build a movement that
can do the same to the now virtually deadlocked Congress and
president. We - the Naderites, labor, students, environmentalists,
communities of color, street protesters and people of good conscience -
can even move beyond opposition to actually setting the agenda on health
care, campaign reform (including abolishing the Electoral College), fair
trade, ending the drug war and the mass incarceration of people of color
as well as the barbaric and racist death penalty.

Because of Nader, because of the Electoral College, because of the
obscene amounts of money thrown at the campaigns by the big corporations
this undemocratic electoral system is on shaky ground. The next few
will be enjoyable ones for those who like to shout "the emperor has no

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