Please circulate widely.

>According to several news accounts, many voters in Palm Beach, Florida,
have claimed that they were confused by the ballot
>structure and may have inadvertently voted for Buchanan when in fact they
intended to vote for Gore.  The event prompted a
>discussion among several academic friends and colleagues about whether the
results could be statistically detected, since Palm
>Beach county alone had the unusual ballot structure.  One of the
participants in the discussion, Chris Fastnow, a political
>scientist and director of the Center for Women in Politics in Pennsylvania
at Chatham College (and who is also my wife) found
>the Florida county-level returns for the election on the internet at the
CBS News website and passed them on to me.  We
>reasoned that if enough voters in Palm Beach county were confused and
mistakenly voted for Buchanan, it should be
>statistically detectable by examining the vote for Buchanan relative to the
votes for Gore and Bush for all of the counties in
>Florida. . .
Tom Walker
Sandwichman and Deconsultant
Bowen Island, BC

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