>  >But the most serious long-term consequences of the plague may have
>>been psychological rather than economic. Already, before it was
>>struck by the plague, Castile was weary and depressed.  The failures
>>in France and the Netherlands, the sack of Cadiz by the English, and
>>the King's request for a national donativo in 1596 as bankruptcy
>>struck, completed the disillusionment that had begun with the defeat
>>of the Invincible Armada.  Then, to crown it all, came the plague.
>>The unbroken succession of disasters threw Castile off balance.  The
>>ideals which had buoyed it up during the long years of struggle were
>>shattered beyond repair.  The country felt itself betrayed - betrayed
>>perhaps by a God who had inexplicably withdrawn His favour from His
>>chosen people.  Desolate and plague-stricken, the Castile of 1600 was
>>a country that had suddenly lost its sense of national purpose....
>Yes, and it is dreadful stuff, isn't it. I am surprised that you want to
>score points with a bit of prose that speaks in terms of a "country that
>had suddently lost its sense of national purpose." I spent 2 hours in the
>Columbia Library tracking down a book that was relevant to Marxists or
>progressive economists, not Book of the Month club subscribers.
>Louis Proyect

Lou, perhaps, it would help to focus the debate on a meaningful 
question if you did not think in terms of "scoring points."  (I 
wouldn't know how to score points even if I tried to, because I'm not 
exactly sure what arguments of mine are actually making you 
dyspeptic; exactly on what grounds you are disagreeing with me; etc.) 
Instead, we might think how we can synthesize Dobbs & Sweezy, Brenner 
& Williams, etc.

Epidemic diseases did have a large impact on the evolution of 
capitalism, slavery, & colonialism, in that the diseases brought by 
Europeans wiped out so many indigenous peoples in the so-called New 
World.  This has to be more significant than the plague in Castile.

Which is _not_ to say that the plague in Europe had _zero_ 
significance in the origins of capitalism.  It is said that, after 
its first emergence, the plague continued to ravage European nations 
-- not just Spain -- until after the late 17th century.  This, I 
believe, was in part caused by the fact that urbanization in the 
early modern period in Europe came before science & effective public 
health measures got invented.  Also, the scope and frequency of 
devastations wrought by the plague tell us something about the 
dreadfully poor living conditions of the poor in cities as well as 
villages (here, the debate between Brenner and neo-Malthusians 
becomes very interesting also).  According to Foucault (see 
_Discipline and Punish_), the rise of modern instrumental reason in 
service of social control was facilitated by the 17th century 
struggles to come up with effective responses to contain the plague.

More broadly, the seventeenth century was a period of the general 
crisis in Europe, and the plagues shortly before and during it may be 
rethought in terms of their relation to it.  While I wouldn't 
overemphasize the demoralization caused by the plague in the minds of 
the ruling class (as Barbara Simerka -- the author of the article -- 
does; when a liberal academic speaks of a "country that had suddenly 
lost its sense of national purpose," it usually means that its ruling 
class got demoralized and was in political disarray), it must have 
been a factor, in that the seventeenth century was a period of not 
only economic but political crises.

BTW, here's another source -- from an angle of demographic & climactic studies:

*****   II  An Economic and Social Crisis

Most historians know about the 'Little Ice Age', once parochially 
described in English school textbooks as 'the time the Thames froze'. 
The problem has always been to explain it....Recent research on 
glacier movements and harvest dates in Europe has shown that harvests 
in the mid-seventeenth century occurred far later than normal, and 
suggests long winters and excessive rain as the principal culprits....

In a world dependent largely on vegetable and cereal crops, such 
correlations (between bad weather, scarcity of food, heightened 
mortality, increased conflict, and enhanced migration) should cause 
no surprise.  Between 80 and 95 per cent of the early modern 
population depended directly on crop yields....

A fall of 1 degree Celsius in overall temperatures -- and that 
appears to have been the magnitude of the change during the 'Little 
Ice Age' -- restricts the growing season for plants by three or four 
weeks and reduces the maximum altitude for the successful cultivation 
of foodstuffs by about 500 feet.  In some sensitive or marginal areas 
the impact could be even greater: in Iceland today, a 1 degree fall 
in overall summer temperature reduces crop yields by 15 per cent. 
The expansion of population in the sixteenth century had led to the 
cultivation of many marginal lands; a run of colder summers in the 
seventeenth century would have reduced or perhaps extinguished the 
yield of such areas, leaving their populations on the threshold of 
starvation.  Furthermore, diminished food reserves, producing (in 
effect) serious overpopulation, presented a favourable terrain for 
the spread of diseases....  A skillful reconstruction of disease 
patterns in London between 1670 and 1830 suggests a dual mechanism: 
the ravages of epidemic diseases such as bubonic plague kept pace 
with food prices, while the impact of endemic diseases such as 
dysentery varied with temperature.

Economists have termed this dilemma a 'high-level equilibrium trap'. 
The inputs and outputs of the early modern agrarian system had 
reached a balance that could be broken only be heavy capital 
investment and new technology, and European agriculture lacked both. 
As Niels Steensgaard notes..., yield ratios during this period 
remained stable or fell.  In eastern and central Europe they stood at 
four grains of corn harvested for every grain sown, which was 
scarcely enough to feed those who produced it; yields in Atlantic 
Europe rose somewhat higher, but until 1700 they still provided an 
insufficient basis for economic diversification.  And wherever yields 
did improve, whether through better methods or increased area of 
cultivation, population growth soon swallowed up surplus production, 
short-circuiting the process of capital accumulation necessary for 
technical innovation or agricultural improvement.  A population 
caught in this trap faced only three choices: migration, starvation 
or revolt.

Even in 'ordinary' years, from the later sixteenth century onwards 
population drifted from smaller villages towards towns and cities. 
In the Montes region, south of Toledo in central Spain, 'Smaller 
villages located in higher, less fertile regions became overpopulated 
at an early date, with a consequent migration to larger settlements.' 
The grain harvest records for the area reveal a dramatic, sustained 
fall in yields from 1615 onwards, and entire hamlets in the uplands 
were abandoned.  Many of the 'lost' inhabitants migrated to the 
cities, especially to Madrid, which increased in size from 65,000 
people in 1597 to 140,000 in 1646, thanks largely to the influx of 
almost 5,000 migrants per year.  But Madrid constituted one of 
seventeenth-century Spain's few success stories; most other towns 
failed to increase and, in some cases, the growth of one town 
involved the decline of others -- in particular, Madrid gained at the 
expense of Toledo.  The urban history of England in the seventeenth 
century differed little.  Perhaps 10 percent of the English 
population lived in towns in 1500 and perhaps 20 percent in 1700, but 
London alone, which grew from 25,000 to 575,000 people during this 
period, accounted for over half of this increase.  In effect, these 
economic migrants constituted _a permanently mobile population_: in 
the small Essex town of Cogenhoe between 1618 and 1628, _52 per cent 
of the population changed_.  _Much the same turnover rate_ 
characterized the much larger port city of Southampton.  The 
literature of the period bristles with fear of these migrants, and an 
awareness of their growing numbers.  Stories about engaging rogues 
such as _Till Eulenspiegel_ or _Lazarillo de Tormes_ -- like the more 
scientific _Vocabulario de Germania_ of 1609, which listed 1,300 
special word used by Spanish beggars, and _Il Vagabondo_, an 
encyclopaedic compilation of the customs and life of the Italian 
underworld, published by Giacinto Nobile in 1627 -- all exuded an 
undercurrent of menace and instability.

However, not all the 'missing' population packed their knapsacks and 
took to the roads.  Many died in plague epidemics, which could remove 
between 20 and 30 per cent of a region's population at a stroke; many 
others were simply not born, for during the mid-seventeenth century 
birth rates stagnated and even declined.  Contemporaries first noted 
this phenomenon in Castile, where the population may have fallen by 
50 per cent between 1600 and 1650.  In 1619 a puzzled canon of Toledo 
Cathedral, Sancho de Moncada, first employed 'modern' methods to 
measure depopulation; while consulting the parish registers of the 
region he found 'in the years 1617 and 1618 not one half of the 
marriages that there used to be'.  This, he felt, explained why there 
were fewer children.  Moncada went on to suggest that the primary 
reason for the persistent fall in marriages, and therefore in 
population, lay not in migration, plague or the expulsion of the 
Moriscos (as other authors had argued), but 'because the people 
cannot support themselves'.  He postulated a clear correlation 
between population decline and poor harvests, for poor harvests 
caused the price of essential items -- above all bread -- to increase 
beyond the reach of the average wage-earner....

...In almost every community of early modern Europe where historians 
have studied the complete data, the unpredictable yet irresistible 
rhythm of bread prices appears to have controlled the level of 
marriages, conceptions and deaths; whenever bread prices and deaths 
rose, marriages, conceptions and therefore births all fell.  The 
experience of Bauge in Anjou (France) between 1691 and 1695...offers 
a typical example of the demographic consequences of the 'subsistence 
crises' that apparently struck most European communities at least 
once per generation during the early modern period.  But the 
frequency of crises could sometimes increase dramatically. 
Significantly, no less than three occurred in the mid-seventeenth 
century: one in 1643-4, a second (the worst of the entire century) in 
1649-50, and a third in 1652-3.  These harvest failures affected all 
Europe, from Poland to England and from Sweden to Italy....

In many cases harvest failure also precipitated industrial and 
commercial crises, for the sharp rise in food prices led to a falling 
demand for manufactured goods, which in turn led to widespread 
unemployment among wage-earners.  Many families therefore lost their 
main source of income just as the price of essential items escalated. 
Niels Steensgaard..., Sheilagh Ogilvie...and Ruggiero Romano...all 
agree that these recessions became particularly common during the 
seventeenth century.  Romano, writing originally in 1962, saw the 
crisis of 1619-22 as the decisive break, since in its wake 
international trade, industrial output, silver imports from America, 
and coinage issues all fell.  Recovery was inhibited, he argued, by 
_a crisis in agriculture_, when _tillage had lost ground to 
stock-raising and refeudalizaiton_ had spread (especially in eastern 
Europe).  Steensgaard, however, writing in 1970, perceived a problem 
of distribution, rather than of production, caused by _the enormous 
growth in the public sector_.  Government spending rapidly increased, 
causing the diversion of economic endeavour to meet the demands of 
the public sector through the transfer of resources to the state via 
heavy taxation.  Ogilvie, in 1992, demonstrated that neither model 
entirely fits Germany -- an area omitted from most accounts of the 
General Crisis -- where regional diversity makes any generalization 
hazardous.  However, her data largely support Steensgaard's argument 
that _the growth of taxation to finance armies_ put pressure on 
economies lacking large surpluses, causing both widespread suffering 
and, in many cases, in Germany as elsewhere, rebellion.

'The peasant revolt,' wrote Marc Bloch, 'was as common in early 
modern Europe as strikes are in industrial societies today.' 
Astonishing numbers of rural uprisings took place in certain areas: 
Provence, for example, saw 108 popular rebellions between 1596 and 
1635, 156 between 1635 and 1660 (16 of them associated with 'Fonde' 
of 1648-53) and a further 110 between 1661 and 1715.  For a region of 
barely 600,000 people, a grand total of 374 revolts over scarcely 
more than a century is impressive!  Certain German and Dutch towns 
also experienced numerous uprisings in the seventeenth century. 
However, an important difference distinguished popular revolts from 
strikes: the latter aimed to influence the employer, landlord or 
owner for whom the strikers worked, while the early modern revolt was 
directed overwhelmingly against the state, particularly during the 
period 1625-75.   (emphasis mine, endnotes omitted, Geoffrey Parker & 
Lesley M. Smith, "Introduction," _The General Crisis of the 
Seventeenth Century_, 2nd ed., eds. Parker & Smith, London: 
Routledge, 1997, pp. 7-13)   *****

Here's a clue for a synthesis of Robert Brenner, Perry Anderson, & 
Eric Williams.  The necessity of military expenditures -- in part 
with a view to gaining imperial supremacy -- caused the states to 
increase taxation, exacerbating the already heated class conflicts, 
aggravated by bad weathers, poor harvests, epidemics, & migration. 
Diverse outcomes of class struggles created in some parts of Europe 
capitalist social relations while leading to refeudalization in other 


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