*****   ...Meanwhile, the stakes were raised by price inflation, 
reflecting the higher demand attributable to a rise in the population 
of about 25 percent between 1500 and 1600 and the inflow of silver 
from the New World; the expansion of both reached a peak by 1600. 
Thereafter, for a century, the population rose only slightly above 
100 million and pulled back repeatedly to that figure, which seemed 
to represent a natural limit.  The annual percentage rate of increase 
in the amount of bullion in circulation in Europe, which had been 3.8 
in 1550 and 1 in 1600, was, by 1700, 0.5.  The extent to which these 
facts, with attendant phenomena -- notably the leveling out from 
about 1620, and thereafter the lowering, of demand, prices, and rents 
before the resumption of growth about 1720 -- influenced the course 
of events must remain uncertain.  Controversy has centred around the 
cluster of social, political, and religious conflicts and revolts 
that coincided with the deepening of the recession toward 
mid-century.  Some historians have seen there not particular crises 
but a "general crisis."  Most influential in the debate have been the 
Marxist view that it was a crisis of production and the liberal 
political view that it was a general reaction to the concentration of 
power at the centre.... 


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