>  >So you agree that for you politics is a means of self-expression,
>>rather than an attempt to make the world a better place?
>>Brad DeLong   
>Or that acceptance of the inevitibility of the 'iron cage'
>guarantees it, whereas fighting might defeat it.
>Brad, I can understand your anger.  I feel it also
>(especially when some Nader supporter smugly said that
>we could count on her help in fighting Bush for the next
>four years). 
>However, they do have two good points:
>1)  Given a s**tload of advantages, the campaign in the
>end could be lost for the Democrats by a minor spoiler -
>not a 19% Perot, or a 6% (?) Perot, or a Wallace, or
>something like that, but by a 3% Nader.  That says something,
>and not something good.  Every economic model which was
>touted in the papers several months ago not only gave the election
>to Gore, but by various huge margins.  So not only did something
>happen to Gore, but something *huge* happened.  Which means that
>Gore was bleeding arterially without Nader...

Which has nothing to do with whether Nader's intervention in this 
election helped make the world a better place. If someone's bleeding 
arterially, you get a tourniquet: you don't cut their throat.

It didn't.

But it was very effective as a means of self-expression...

Brad DeLong

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