Said Walker:

>> it is inevitable that popular protest express itself in
>> inarticulate and perhaps inappropriate slogans.

Replied Sawicky:

> ok.  And inappropriate personalities, like Jerry Brown, for instance.


> so both sides are full of it.  so what?

So the "sidedness" requires that both "sides" frame the issue in
oppositional terms around an agreed focal point. In this case, the focal
point is choosing a winner. 

>> to situate simplistic reductions in their historical specificity . . .

> You lost me there.

Which is to say that the right analysis at the right time doesn't
necessarily carry the day, either. Timing may well be everything in
politics and may even explain why a "worse" argument may, at a particular
time and place, defeat a better one. 

Tom Walker
Sandwichman and Deconsultant
Bowen Island
(604) 947-2213

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