November 16, 2000

The Russians Are Coming!  

Red Mafiya: How the Russian Mob Has Invaded America  
by Robert I. Friedman  
296 pages, $25.95 (hardcover)  
published by Little, Brown  (order book) 

Robert Friedman's book is the first to describe in detail the Russian
mobsters who have established criminal enterprises throughout the world.
His prose sometimes makes it sound like a sequel to Pulp Fiction. A Russian
killer in Brooklyn murders a boy, he writes, "by picking him up like a
ragdoll with one hand and plunging a knife into his heart with the other."
But more than any other reporter he reveals how sophisticated, ruthless,
rich, and multinational Russian criminals have become. 

Among other things, he writes, they have arranged the sale of military
helicopters and a submarine for the Colombia drug barons, and they have
acquired influence over the American National Hockey League by threatening
players from Eastern Europe and Russia and extorting money from them. They
have infiltrated the international financial system, rigging share prices
and buying banks in Hungary, Israel, and California. Now they are expanding
into Nigeria, South Africa, and Australia. 

The "Russian mafia," as Friedman describes it, is not a single
organization, but rather a catchall phrase for mobsters who come from the
former Soviet Union. The term mafiya appeared in the 1970s to refer to
corrupt Communist Party officials; since the Soviet Union collapsed it has
been used to refer not only to officials but to organized criminals and
prominent business leaders, including some of the "oligarchs" who have
acquired power and vast fortunes inside Russia.1 Some Russians object to
the phrase "'Russian' mafia," arguing that many of the gangsters are from
other nationalities-Ukrainian, Georgian, Latvian, for example. For this
reason, FBI reports sometimes refer to "Eurasian" organized crime
syndicates, which include those run by Russian nationals; this only creates
more confusion since many of the syndicates have nothing to do with Asia.
In fact, wherever they were born, most are now Russian citizens, and use
Russia or Israel as their base. 

It is often said that Russian mobsters started to become active
internationally when the Berlin Wall came down and the Soviet Union
disintegrated. But Friedman traces their beginnings back to the 1970s, when
the Soviet Union, under pressure from Washington, permitted Jews to
emigrate. The Communist leaders, Friedman writes, "took this opportunity to
empty its jails of thousands of hard-core criminals, dumping vast numbers
of undesirables...on an unsuspecting America, as well as on Israel and
other Western nations." 

Since tens of thousands of people jailed by the Communists were not
criminals, when questions were raised about a mobster's time in prison they
tended to be dismissed, and they still are. But many were jailed because
they were in fact criminals-pick-pockets, extortionists, and murderers.
Some of the toughest of them formed loosely organized associations while in
prison, and maintained their connections with one another after they were
released. For example, Friedman writes, gangsters who call themselves
"thieves-in-law" (vor v zakonye) take vows never to hold a job, or pay
taxes, or cooperate with the police or the state, except to trick them.
Some of them, he was told, have on their chests tattoos of a giant eagle
with razor-sharp talons. The FBI estimates there are between seven hundred
and eight hundred thieves-in-law, some of whom are listed alphabetically in
an eighteen-page appendix to a 1994 FBI report, "Russian/Eurasian Organized
Criminal Enterprise." Along with thousands of legitimate Russian-Jewish
immigrants, these and other criminals established their first base in
Brighton Beach in Brooklyn. From there they moved on to Miami, in a big
way, and to a lesser degree to Los Angeles 

Full review at: http://www.nybooks.com/nyrev/WWWfeatdisplay.cgi?20001116052R

Louis Proyect
Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

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