
What of this as an argument.
a. Capitalism, as a system, requires constant expansion -- 
"Accumulate, Accumulate, that is Moses and the Prophets" -- but 
this accumulation requires expansion of the system geographically 
particularly as overaccumulation takes place in the centre -- 
therefore,  globalism.

b. Expansion of the system (globalization of capitalism) requires 
increased trade and the movement of goods -- Canada, for 
instance, is approaching 40% of its GDP in Exports.  All these 
exports require transportation. (Huge growth here particularly in 
long-distance truck transport.)  All transportation at the moment 
requires fossile fuels.

c.  Therefore, the capitalist system (at least as it currently 
operates) is dependent on fossil fuels.  But, unless it can come up 
with an alternative fuel, it can not continue to increase its 
geographic scope and thus can not continue as a system.

Paul Phillips,
University of Manitoba

On 17 Nov 00, at 7:29, Jim Devine wrote:

> actually-existing capitalism depends heavily on fossil fuels, but does 
> capitalism in general? though capitalism is amazingly inflexible on issues 
> of preserving class privilege and dictatorship, it is also amazingly 
> flexible when  it comes to adapting to disaster (like that of the 1930s).
> Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] & http://bellarmine.lmu.edu/~JDevine

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