> >Actually, none. The wicked Pol Pot regime was supported by the wicked >regimes of Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher and Deng Xiao-Ping, on the basis >that it was anti-Vietnamese. No amount of words and images concerning the >Pol Pot ogre served to temper that support. > >Michael K. True. Supported by the wicked regime of Jimmy Carter as well. May I send this world back to the kitchen? I don't think the Chef has cooked it properly... Brad DeLong
- Hoax Ricardo Duchesne
- RE: Hoax Keaney Michael
- RE: Hoax Ricardo Duchesne
- Re: RE: Hoax Michael Perelman
- Re: Hoax Ricardo Duchesne
- Re: RE: Hoax kjkhoo
- RE: Hoax Ricardo Duchesne
- Brad DeLong