This thread of 11/24  was  chock  full of  contradictions-- but we all  may
be able to climb thru this
muddle to learn a few things about history and the power of 
philosophy/ideology  gripping the masses
in motion. 

first, on the question of religion serving class /partisan ideology  and
material  interests-- .
Should not  the issue of Muenzer and his peasant forces in revolt be put in
some kind of historical 
In the 16th century liberatory and class movements came up against the
feudal order dressed
in religious ideological-politica l  garb. It could not be other wise
religion and fuedalism still predominated,
even the rising burghers, merchants, and their princely allies developed
their ideology to the mass
under the guise of  religious Protestantism as the against the Catholic
church, a bastion of the feudalist 
mode of production.
Though Luther  led the Protestants , he still opposed the mass struggles of
the oppressd/exploited
on the bottom.

Muenzer and his  gallant comrades  were actors in  history pre-dating  the
scientific or rationalist epoch,
the 'enlightenment' era.  .
But  he was no opportunist since  this movement was bound to be cloaked in
religious ideology ,
a new 'religion'  promoting a kind of utopian peasant primitive communism .
The movement  used
the "sword of god"  (Muenzer)  to build a 'kingdom of god on earth", in
other words maybe the  toppling
of the ruling classes and THEIR clerical church  religious allies as a kind
of 'millenial day of
This approach  sees that ' It is not the consciousness of man that
determines his existence but
his social existence which determines his/her consciousness' ,  to
paraphrase  K. Marx!

But today,  in the modern epoch to build the masses struggle on religious-
populist ideology and platform 
is quite backward , and opportunistic , since the rise of science, 
rationalism ,industry , and the 
working class under the wages system of exploitation have created the
material social  potential to
supercede  religious obscurantism. 

To  again learn the lesson of what Engels' meant when he stated in the
pamphlet on "Historical Materialism'
that what political movements and programmes  progressive in a previous
histroical epoch   can 
then become reactionary  in a later  historical  epoch. 

such  has  been the track record of  all religious mysticism  , even
so-called 'liberation theology'  to be sure.


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