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                    SPECIAL ISSUE ON ALEX CURTIS

        The Internet Anti-Fascist: Wednesday, 15 November 2000
                 Special Issue on Alex Curtis -- #488

Ongoing News Coverage of Alex Curtis Arrest
    Marisa Taylor (San Diego Union Tribune), "Indictment charges 4 with hate
       crimes: Years-long, graffiti-strewn trail led to arrests, authorities
       say," 11 Nov 00
    Tom Metzger (White Aryan Resistance), "Late Alex Curtis Bulletin," 10
       Nov 00
    Rocky J. Suhayda (American Nazi Party), "I Want Every Racialist In This
       Entire Movement to Aid Curtis," 11 Nov 00
    Crosstar/Nationalist, "Curtis charged with civil-rights violations:
       Webmaster called others 'insane' for not being terrorists," 11 Nov 00
    James Gordon Meek (APB News), "White Supremacist Charged With Hate
       Crimes: Arrested for Threatening Civil Rights Group, 'Non-white'
       Politicians," 13 Nov 00
    Marisa Taylor (San Diego Union Tribune), "Man denies he's guilty of
       rights violations: Officials says he's been running a 'hate
       business'," 14 Nov 00
    Anti-Defamation League , "ADL Welcomes Arrest of White Supremacist Alex
       Curtis for Civil Rights Violations," 10 Nov 00



Indictment charges 4 with hate crimes: Years-long, graffiti-strewn trail
    led to arrests, authorities say
Marisa Taylor (San Diego Union Tribune)
11 Nov 00

First came the Nazi swastikas that appeared one day outside Rep. Bob
Filner's office in Chula Vista.

Then came the gift box packed with a dummy grenade for Art Madrid, the
mayor of La Mesa.

Finally, the 7-foot snakeskin arrived -- draped over a rose bush outside
the East County home of Clara Harris, a civil rights activist.

Between January 1997 and May of this year, Filner, Madrid, Harris and other
community leaders periodically found their offices and homes defaced,
spray-painted and barraged with Nazi and racist propaganda.

Some were angry. Others were afraid. All of them wondered who did it.

Federal authorities say they now know.

After a two-year investigation, the U.S. Attorney's Office in San Diego
yesterday unsealed federal civil rights charges against Alex Curtis -- a
Lemon Grove man whom the Anti-Defamation League has called a "rising star
among bigots" -- and three other men.

The group is accused of leaving a string of threatening messages, including
racist slogans advocating violence against minorities.

Sometimes the group repeatedly targeted a single person, according to the

Morris Casuto, the regional director of the Anti-Defamation League, found
swastika stickers and fliers near his office and home several times. After
Filner's office was covered with stickers, a snakeskin was slipped into the
office mail slot.

Over the years, Filner said, he has dealt with crank calls and other anti-
Semitic insults. But the incidents attributed to Curtis and the three
others were more troubling, he said.

"My employees felt particularly threatened," he said. "It was more visible
and more organized."

Group members also are accused of spray-painting anti-Semitic slogans and
symbols on the Tifereth Israel Synagogue in San Carlos and the Temple Adat
Shalom in Poway.

Rabbi Leonard Rosenthal of Tifereth Israel said many members of his
congregation were especially horrified by the incident because they are
concentration camp survivors.

"To come into their house of worship after suffering that experience was
like experiencing it all over again," Rosenthal said. "It was extremely

William Gore, the special agent in charge of the FBI office in San Diego,
said Curtis encouraged his followers to take a "lone wolf" approach to
white supremacy by operating individually.

"He also told his followers to use whatever means necessary to accomplish
their white supremacist goals," Gore said.

Sometimes it appeared that Curtis was taunting authorities, Gore said.

One of the anti-Hispanic stickers that appeared on Madrid's front door
listed the telephone number of a hate hotline that Curtis runs.

On Thursday, authorities seized Nazi books, propaganda and a licensed 9mm
handgun from Curtis' room in his parents' house.

They also seized Curtis' computer, which he is said to have used to set up
a Web site where he posted racist writings. Yesterday, the Web site was
still operating.

Curtis, 25, and Michael Brian DaSilva, 21, of Lakeside were arrested
Thursday. Next week, they will be arraigned on the four-count indictment.
So far, they have not hired attorneys, officials said.

The two other men, Robert Nichol Morehouse, 55, and Kevin Christopher
Holland, who authorities estimate is 22, had already pleaded guilty to
conspiracy to violate civil rights.

According to the indictment, DaSilva told Holland's wife that Holland would
die if he cooperated with authorities.

Each of the men faces 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine for each

David Zugman, Morehouse's attorney, said his client is a night watchman who
lives with and cares for his parents, who are in their 80s.

"He's not exactly the coming of the Third Reich," said Zugman, who declined
to comment on the allegations against his client.

Zugman criticized the federal case as a superficial response to a problem
with hate crimes and racism.

"This is window dressing," he said. "This is only going to calcify their
positions and makes them martyrs."

But the community leaders who became victims of the propaganda praised the
federal indictment.

"Authorities have sent a message to those who would presume to decide who
is to live safely and freely and who is to be taunted, harassed and
intimidated," Casuto said.

Filner said: "I'm glad it was pursued, because any expression of hatred
against one group is something that everyone should be concerned about."

Clara Harris of the Heartland Human Relations and Fair Housing Association
said she met Curtis years ago when he was a teen-ager. Over the years, she
said, she tried to reach out to him and invited him to some of the meetings
of her civil rights organization.

But the last time she talked with Curtis, she said, he told her that he was
going to show up at one of those meetings with Tom Metzger, San Diego
County's most famous racist and Curtis' mentor.

Curtis never showed up.

"I'm very sad that they have decided to waste their lives, because for the
most part they're bright young people who could do a lot for their
community," she said.

- - - - -

Late Alex Curtis Bulletin
Tom Metzger (White Aryan Resistance)
10 Nov 00

The latest from the Alex Curtis case. Three others arrested Michael
DaSilva, Robert Morehouse, and Kevin Holland. Morehouse and Holland have
both plead guilty to one count of Civil Rights violations and are rolling.

The events used to justify the arrests stem from 1997 and 98. Get this a
plastic fake hand grenade on the front steps of Mestizo Mayor Art Madrid of
La Mesa, Ca. Sending out material describing KIKE Congressman Bob Filner As
a KIKE. Alleged graffiti on a Jew Synagogue. Also implied threats against
the Head of the ADL in San Diego Morris the TURK Casuto. In other words a
bullshit bunch of nothing.

One very important added factor. Now we know the corporate media is an
enemy but usually its been words. Now San Diego, s channel 8 and 10 have
admitted hiring an investigator to follow Curtis for over a year attempting
to get incriminating video evidence on Curtis and others.

I now make the appeal to all serious activist's to refuse further
interviews with the press. We do not need the press to accomplish our goals
especially when the media is using investigators outside their normal
routine. They have joined up with the thought police and other obviously
biased groups.

These charges are the new Federal Hate crime programs that will link up
with the so called racist gang tag. So now all you right wing sissy's
what's your next move?? You will follow every law right into the
concentration camp or worse capitulate and fade away. Sorry that's not for
me. Dig in soldiers its going to get hot!!!

- - - - -

I Want Every Racialist In This Entire Movement to Aid Curtis
Rocky J. Suhayda (American Nazi Party)
11 Nov 00

Dear Racial Comrades:

I am NOT writing this as "Chairman" of the American Nazi Party, I am
writing this to you as an Old man who has been a fighter in our Racial
Struggle for over three decades. I AM WRITING THIS AS AN INDIVIDUAL.
Perhaps this message will be MISUNDERSTOOD by some, perhaps it will not be
recieved as being in "good taste", but I have NO TIME for "diplomacy"...so
I'm going to be BLUNT in my words, and hope that ALL of YOU take it in the

Comrade ALEX CURTIS of the Nationalist Observer, has been ATTACKED and
TO HIS AID! Alex may "rub" some of you the "wrong way", BUT HE IS ONE OF
everyone can agree upon. For all of you OLD FIGHTERS...HE IS ONE OF THE
YOUNG LEADERS, who WILL take OUR PLACE, when we are gone...and there aren't
MANY young ones out there, who ARE even interested in carrying OUR banner,
that we can AFFORD to LOSE THIS ONE!  Being YOUNG, perhaps his "maturity
level" has not grown to what you might wish, BUT WHERE WERE YOU at HIS age?
Were YOU even "INVOLVED"?

Here is WHAT I'm requesting of ALL of YOU out there in "movement land". I
want everyone on this list alone, to SEND HIM $5 to HELP WITH GETTING
DECENT LEGAL REPRESENTATION. IF everyone does this, he would have at LEAST
$10,000. I want this message, or if you like, a SIMILAR "better written"
National Alliance, WCOTC, WAR,...EVERYONE. I want to see VINCENT
BERTONELLI, who helped Richard Butler so generously, to OPEN UP those deep
pockets of his and GIVE to SAVE a FUTURE LEADER of OUR FOLK. I want DAVID
DUKE, to fly in to San Diego like JESSE JACKSON would for one of HIS
"bro's" and FOCUS some "light" on this persecution, lest it be "buried
under the rug" by ZOG in a "fast/hidden conviction". The SAME could be said
for MATT HALE...YOU know the LAW...pitch in!  I respectfully request that
WILLIAM PEIRCE use ALL his INFLUENCE, as he has for the German Hendrick
Moebus' recently...to rally HIS FOLLOWERS, to HELP the DEFENCE COSTS for
this AMERICAN RACIALIST. You "music people" out there, who raised funds for
Pastor Butler...who to put it bluntly, was "on his last legs
anyways"...HELP this FUTURE ACTIVIST LEADER, as you DID with Aryan Nations.
It is IMPORTANT that EVERYONE of US, who ARE RACIALISTS join together,
AGAINST ZOG succeeding in successfully bringing this young man DOWN. IF
EVERYONE of US, "HIGH and LOW" sends in ONLY $5 to this DEFENCE FUND...we
CAN raise enough to give this Comrade a "fighting CHANCE".  PLEASE, please
KNOW from MY OWN "experience" of earlier this Spring, when I lost my job of
25 years, because of "movement activities", how FEW of YOU even CARED. So
be it. NOW, I'm NOT ASKING FOR MYSELF...this goes BEYOND just Alex, it
boils down to, CAN WE RACIALISTS EVER UNITE ON ANYTHING?  IF we cannot even
SAVE one of our OWN, no matter how much we might "disagree" with
them...it's STILL "US RACIALISTS" against the world of ZOG, and I would be
making this "BEGGING LETTER" for YOU TOO. Even those that I myself,
"disagreed" with on "policies". Let this INSTANCE, be the FIRST time that
reason, but on PRINCIPAL. Whether your a POOHBAH or a CHICKEN PLUCKER, a
LEADER or a FOLLOWER... no matter WHAT movement "sect" you might be, lets
get our ACT TOGETHER for ONCE, and POOL OUR RECOURCES. I'm NOT asking that
you mortgage your home, I'm SINCERELY "BEGGING" if you wish, for EVERYONE
DOLLARS won't bankrupt anyone, but together it WILL add up! Now, I realize
that "SOME" of you will think that what I have written to be too "forward",
or too "demanding", and if so...I SINCERELY APOLIGIZE for offending you.
But, IGNORE ME the "messenger", and CONCENTRATE on the "MESSAGE". You might
not even"like" ME...thats OK, lots of folks don't like me...but, HELP this
young man as YOU would want to be helped in a similar predicament. What
happened in the PAST, when Tom Metzger was "left hanging" by his Comrades
in the "movement", as well as similar PAST situations...MUST END NOW! If we
CAN start a "mutual aid" commitment NOW, and CONTINUE it in the FUTURE, can
you imagine to what "strength" it could FINALLY LEAD TO, in our Racial
Movement's struggle?

Well, I'm not going to belabor the point, those of you who DEEP in your
HEARTS know WHAT I am trying to do...will DO IT. For the rest, I would just
be "prostrating" myself to no purpose. As I said in the begining of this
message...THIS COMES FROM ME, to YOU. If you have ANY "respect" for myself,
I simply ask that you consider what I ask, and if you "understand" it...ACT
NOW, don't "put it off". PUT YOURSELF IN HIS PLACE...its NOT a nice
thought, is it?   I'm going to also ASK all those Old Comrades, whom I've
soldiered with in the Cause in the PAST, to allow me to "call in" any "old
chips" that I may have won with them, by my doing my duty to the Folk.
PLEASE help Alex out for MY sake, if for NOTHING else. If you think that I
"deserve" any consideration...put $5 bucks into the mail, simply because
Ol'Rock asked you to...it MEANS that MUCH to me, thanks. Once again, NO ONE
"asked" me to write this, and NO ONE else is "associated" with this appeal,
so if ANY criticism it due, BLAME IT ON ME ALONE. I really hope that I can
count on ALL of you.

   --  Sincerely,
       Rocky J. Suhayda  14/88

Please Send Donations To-
Alex Curtis Legal Defence Fund
P.O.Box 152603,
San Diego, CA   92195

- - - - -

Curtis charged with civil-rights violations: Webmaster called others
    'insane' for not being terrorists
11 Nov 00

LOS ANGELES - A self-described "lone wolf," who waged a year-long, one-man
war against Nationalists over the Internet, has been arrested for "hate"

Alex Curtis, 25, was apprehended by FBI agents in Lemon Grove, where he
lived with his parents and maintained a website. Curtis, who proclaimed his
devotion to Oklahoma-bomber Tim McVeigh, had been attacking Nationalists
over the Internet for not mimicking McVeigh's tactics. He repeatedly urged
viewers to become underground terrorists, who he called "lone wolves."

Richard Barrett, General-Counsel of The Nationalist Movement, issued a
statement saying that he was not surprised that the dominoes of violence-
provokers were falling:

I am not surprised that the dominoes are falling of those who try to
conduct right-wing activism as some kind of Gambino-family criminal-
enterprise. It is ludicrous and outrageous for Alex-Curtis-types to think
that they can get away with criminal conspiracies. Curtis had been
expressly vociferous against Barrett for warning people not be on his e-
mail list. Barrett said that he began to warn people away over potential
"hate" and conspiracy prosecutions when Curtis started to provoke violence
about two years ago.

Curtis then posted a page complaining that Nationalists were frightening
his viewers away:

He [Barrett] has gone out of his way to "frighten" some of my supporters by
telling them it is too dangerous to even be on my mailing list. When
Curtis was a student at Helix High School in 1993, he was expelled after
being linked to swastikas and Ku Klux Klan symbols painted all over two
classrooms. In 1997, he was convicted of using a La Mesa Police Department
insignia during flyer-distribution.

On his website, he featured pictures of Hitler, a scantily-clad terrorist
Richard Scutari and neo-Nazi George Lincoln Rockwell. He, also, wrote
laudatory articles about imprisoned murderers and bank-robbers and
counseled terrorists to conceal their deeds.

After a two-year investigation, a sealed indictment was handed down by the
U.S. District Court for numerous "hate" crimes and "civil-rights"
violations, according to FBI spokeswoman Jan Caldwell.

Nationalists had posted Curtis on their Internet page detailing individuals
who had run afoul of the law and who used disapproved methods.

According to Barrett:

It is unacceptable for Curtis to conduct himself in such a reckless way as
to smear pro-majority Americans as criminals when, in fact, they are
patriots. I have denounced Curtis' lawless behavior before and warned
people away from him. And, I continue to do so.  Barrett, who
conducted an anti-immigration rally at San Ysidro, explained that
Nationalists take stringent precautions to work within the law. "We
recently installed a feature in our Crosstar Forum which deletes buzz words
which can get people busted," he said. "It's a shame that Americans cannot
speak more openly, these days, but it is more of a shame for people to say
and do things that land them senselessly in jail."

Shortly before his arrest, Curtis had lambasted Nationalists as "insane"
and "goofballs" on his website.

Notwithstanding, Curtis, who called himself the Nationalist Observer, had
been garnering rave reviews from various anti-Nationalist pressure groups.
Abraham Foxman, chief of the Jewish Anti-Defamation League, had dubbed
Curtis a "rising star." Foxman had used the same words to describe the ill-
fated Andrew Greenbaum, whose short-lived, cyberspace "Nationalist Party"
folded when it was revealed that Greenbaum was a Jew.

Curtis has, also, been ballyhooed by pro-minority lawyer Morris Dees, who
termed him "one of the most prominent leaders in the country."

However, the Union-Tribune reported a recent interview stating that "Curtis
described himself as having few friends and working occasionally at
minimum-wage jobs."

Curtis' most recent posting had praised Ryan Wilson, a Philadelphia man who
was fined $1 million for using the Internet for terrorism and who is being
sought as a fugitive.

Nationalists had been preparing legal action to prevent Curtis from using
the name "Nationalist."

Also charged along with Curtis for making threats, vandalism and
"intimidation" was Michael DaSilva, 21, who was already in jail for
possession of a sawed-off shotgun. Two other associates, Robert Morehouse,
53, and Kevin Holland, 22, have pleaded guilty to conspiracy and are
cooperating with authorities against Curtis.

Police seized a framed picture of Hitler and a terrorist manual written by
communist Che Guevera from Curtis' bedroom, which they said they would use
as evidence. Curtis and DaSilva face forty-year sentences on four federal

- - - - -

White Supremacist Charged With Hate Crimes: Arrested for Threatening Civil
    Rights Group, 'Non-white' Politicians J
ames Gordon Meek (APB News)
13 Nov 00

SAN DIEGO -- A long-running feud between the local office
of the Anti-Defamation League and white supremacists has escalated with the
arrests of several men accused of threatening the anti-hate group's
officials, as well as a Jewish congressman and a Hispanic mayor.

Accused racists Alexander James Curtis and Michael Brian DaSilva were
arraigned in federal court today and face felony charges for allegedly
committing a two-year spree of hate crimes intended to make their
targets fear for their own safety.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Amalia Meza told APBnews.com that Curtis, who
publishes an Aryan rights newspaper and Web site, is more than just an
activist espousing his views on race.

"Protected speech is speech that can advocate hatred or racism," she said.
"But when you cross the line, actually targeting specific people and
delivering messages to their homes or their offices, then that's a federal

Threats, gift grenade

The incidents cited in the federal indictment began in 1997 when the
suspects allegedly left signs with epithets near the San Diego offices of
Rep. Bob Filner, D-Calif., including one message that read, "Yabba Dabba
Doo, Kill Every Jew." Filner is Jewish.

La Mesa Mayor Art Madrid, who is Hispanic, also became an alleged
target of the white supremacists after he spoke out against a spate of
unsolved hate crimes in the area that he said victimized minorities. The
official soon received racist fliers at his home, and eventually a box was
left at his residence with a red bow and an inert hand grenade inside.

Madrid said the inference was clear: The "non-white mayor," as one
message described him, was unwelcome in America.

Mutual recrimination

Just weeks ago, the national ADL issued a report about Curtis, 25, who
publishes the Nationalist Observer newspaper and Web site that have for
years slammed the civil rights organization. The ADL report
characterized Curtis as "an anti-Semitic and racist activist" and
a "rising star among bigots on the Web."

In response, Curtis' Web site said the ADL was a hate group itself, one
that "languishes at the bottom of the Jew-pressure group barrel, having
been dwarfed by the successful and powerful [World Jewish Congress], which
secured $2 billion for Jews worldwide in Holyhoax reparations."

The screed apparently referred to reparations sought by Jewish
survivors of the Nazi Holocaust in World War II.

Curtis is not yet represented by counsel, and calls placed to several phone
numbers he uses were not answered.

Years of threats

Morris Casuto, regional director of the ADL's San Diego office, said the
cyber-rhetoric between the Jewish organization and Curtis is
nothing new, but that the "terroristic threats" against him personally
needed to be stopped.

Casuto alleged that Curtis began sending anonymous threatening letters in
1993, when Curtis was a local high school student. The notes, which said
Casuto would be killed if he ever entered the California community of Lemon
Grove, were signed by the Exalted Cyclops of the Lemon Grove Ku Klux Klan.

Curtis was later arrested by police for his purported Klan activities

In late 1997, Casuto's name -- with a cross through it -- was among
racist symbols spray-painted on a local synagogue. A swastika was later
pasted to the front door of his residence, and federal prosecutors are now
charging Curtis with both crimes.

One-way argument

Of the long-standing feud, Casuto said it has largely been a one-way

"We don't engage in discussions with people we have no idea of how to
reach," he said. "The ADL seriously encourages law enforcement to look into
investigating individuals who we believed were committing crimes, and
[Curtis] wasn't happy with that."

Both Casuto and Madrid said they would be concerned for their families'
safety if Curtis was granted bond and released.

Meza said today that she would ask that Curtis and DaSilva be detained
until trial and denied bail. Each of the three felony conspiracy
charges carries a maximum 10-year prison sentence.

Two other men, Kevin Christopher Holland and Robert Nichol Morehouse, were
previously arrested and pleaded guilty to defacing the synagogues.

Madrid said a message needed to be sent to Curtis, his followers, and any
others who are like-minded that hate crimes against public
officials who speak out against bigotry will not be tolerated and can be
criminally prosecuted.

"They would not have targeted me had my name been Art Madrid the truck
driver," the mayor said.

- - - - -

Man denies he's guilty of rights violations: Officials says he's been
    running a 'hate business'
Marisa Taylor (San Diego Union Tribune)
14 Nov 00

A Lemon Grove man denied yesterday that he organized a group of white
supremacists who  harassed several community leaders, including U.S. Rep.
Bob Filner.

Alex Curtis, 25, pleaded not guilty to three federal counts of conspiracy
to violate civil rights. If  convicted, he faces 10 years in federal prison
and a $250,000 fine for each count.

Curtis and a Lakeside man, Michael Brian DaSilva, are accused of repeatedly
harassing community  leaders with a string of racist messages, including
slogans advocating violence against minorities.

Curtis' father, Dale, appeared in court and sat next to Tom Metzger, a
Fallbrook founder of the  racist group known as the White Aryan Resistance.

Dale Curtis, who owns an engineering company, criticized the case against
his son.

"This whole thing has been blown way out of proportion," Curtis said.

Dale Curtis said he didn't know Metzger before the hearing. But as they
waited for the court  hearing to begin, they talked and laughed. During a
break, the two men lunched together.

"I like this kid," Metzger said of Alex Curtis outside the courtroom.

In a 1990 lawsuit, the Southern Poverty Law Center claimed Metzger should
be held responsible  for the actions of his skinhead followers after they
were convicted of fatally beating an Ethiopian  man with baseball bats in
Portland, Ore. The center won a multimillion-dollar judgment.

When asked to comment on the case against Curtis, Metzger said: "Screw the

Alex Curtis is in custody pending a hearing in federal court. Prosecutors
said they plan to argue  that Curtis, who runs a racist Web site, should be
held without bond because he is dangerous and  could flee the country.

Robert Ramirez, a federal defender who represented Curtis during the
hearing, said in court that  Curtis is a student at San Diego State
University and earns about $3,000 a year working for his  father.

But Michael Necochea, a FBI agent in the case, said Curtis told officials
when he was booked that  he was unemployed and was not a student.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Amalia Meza said she plans to argue that Curtis
should not be represented  by a court-appointed attorney because he has
about $30,000 in a bank account.

"He has been running a hate business out of his home," she said.

Two other men charged in the case, Robert Nichol Morehouse and Kevin
Christopher Holland,  have already pleaded guilty to conspiracy to violate
civil rights and are awaiting sentencing.  According to federal
prosecutors, the group harassed Filner, La Mesa Mayor Art Madrid, civil
rights activist Clara Harris and Morris Casuto, the regional director of
the Anti-Defamation League  in San Diego.

In addition, they are accused of spray-painting anti-Semitic slogans and
symbols on two area  synagogues.

DaSilva is also accused of threatening to kill Holland if he cooperated
with authorities.

DaSilva, 21, is scheduled to be arraigned today.

- - - - -

ADL Welcomes Arrest of White Supremacist Alex Curtis for Civil Rights
Anti-Defamation League
10 Nov 00

SAN DIEGO -- The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today welcomed the arrest of
Alex Curtis, a major player in the white power world, for conspiracy to
violate the civil rights of various individuals and institutions, including
synagogues and public officials.

Morris Casuto, ADL's Regional Director in San Diego, who has been a target
of Curtis' terrorist tactics, said, "Curtis' arrest by federal authorities
for civil rights violations sends a clear message to white supremacists
that they can not determine who has a right to live in this country. Those
of like minds should be on notice that law enforcement will act swiftly
when hatemongers attempt to deprive individuals of their constitutional

Casuto praised the diligent work of the Federal Bureau of Investigation,
San Diego Police Department, La Mesa Police Department and the San Diego
Sheriff's departments that led to the arrest.

ADL, a leader in monitoring and countering extremism, has been aware of
Alex Curtis for many years. On October 26, 2000, ADL released "Alex Curtis:
Lone Wolf of Hate Prowls the Internet," which exposes Curtis' blueprint for
terrorism on the Internet. The ADL report cites Curtis' advice to white
supremacists and other extremists on how to effectively attack Jews, Blacks
and other minorities and notes that Curtis' Web site tells racists who
commit  acts of violence how to minimize the punishment they receive for
their crimes.

The League's report describes how Curtis, a once little-known racist, now
ranks as one of the most vocal proponents of "lone wolf" activism, thanks
largely to the power of the Internet. Using his "White Racist" Web site as
a means of distributing anti-Semitic  and racist literature, Curtis, 25, of
San Diego, encourages fellow racists to act alone in committing violent
acts so their cohorts will not be held legally responsible for their
crimes. Mixed with his virulent attacks against minorities, his model of
"lone wolf" activism has captured the imagination of some of the hate
movement's most visible and notorious figures.

"Here is an individual who not only advocates individual acts of terrorism,
but goes so far as to provide advice on how to carry them out," said
Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. "Alex Curtis personifies a new
kind of hater, a person who casts himself as an ideologue and agitates for
violent underground campaigns gainst the government. The real danger in his
message is that it seems to be having an effect, particularly among other
racists and bigots who are communicating with him."

                            * * * * *

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