from SLATE:
>Yesterday's NY [TIMES] mag issue on secrecy included screenwriter and 
>novelist Erik Tarloff's confession of his little secret: as an
>18-year-old he got a job writing pornography. (Actually a semi-confession: 
>he doesn't reveal the pseudonym he wrote under.) Tarloff explains that 
>this never really followed him in later pursuits until President Clinton 
>named his wife, Laura Tyson, to a Cabinet-level position [head of the 
>President's Council of Economic Advisors] and he was asked to submit some 
>of his writings as part of her vetting process. He decided not to include 
>his skin stuff and his wife got the job. Tarloff found out later that at 
>least one journalist did find out, but wrote nothing. Lingering question: 
>Tarloff seems convinced that if he'd submitted his porno books, his wife 
>would never have made it. If there's ever a George W. Bush administration, 
>will Lynne Cheney's novels or the Starr Report be held to the same standard?

and Doug thought that Laura Tyson might be connected to Tyson Chicken...


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