to CB: can you make a substantiated case for capitalists putting co-ops out
of business?  of course one would be for banks to lend at higher interest
rates as JD says.  what other destructive mechanisms do they have?

to JD: can you corroborate banks lending at higher rates?  that is
ideologically motivated or a reflection of co-op inability to repay loans?

thanks for your responses.


-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 3:23 PM
Subject: [PEN-L:5517] Re: co-ops

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/04/00 01:55PM >>>
thank you for your response that leads me to my next question:

if co-ops can successfully give people what they want at a price that
excludes "surplus value", then why haven't they become a major factor in
republican-capitalist societies?


CB: The capitalists are vigilant in retarding the growth of and destroying
any institutions that demonstrate the viability of an economy not based on
the extaction of surplus-value. They don't just sit around and let utopian
socialist projects creep-up and overcome capitalism. 

Be clear. Capitalists are violently opposed to people being able to get what
they want ( or need) at a price that excludes "surplus value". They put
profit before people.

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