----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Hoover" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>First specific DLC accomplishment was to convince 11 southern states to
>hold their prez primaries on same day in 1988 for purpose of boosting
>their clout, enhancing position of south in nominating process and
>helping "moderate" southern candidates.  Gore won a few of these so-called
>"Super Tuesday" races that year.

What a weird spin on the 1988 primary debacle for the DLC?   What Super
Tuesday did was hand Jesse Jackson a chance to rack up some of his most
impressive states and, for a short period, seem to threaten to win the
nomination.  Gore generally failed miserably, while Dukakis managed to
maintain his stead delegate gains that eventually left him the last white
guy standing to defeat Jesse.

Super Tuesday did its job finally in 1992 in helping elect Clinton -
although the irony was that it helped Clinton defeat Tsongas because Clinton
could pick up Jesse's black vote support, while Tsongas I believe took the
majority of the white vote in a lot of the Southern states.

-- Nathan Newman

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