On Fri, 8 Dec 2000, Louis Proyect wrote:

> >How is "garrison state" different from "colonized," and how did a 
> >colony/garrison state get away with protectionist policies?
> >
> >Doug
> A garrison state receives enormous economic support because of its
> military-strategic value. Taiwan is another example, as is Israel and South
> Africa. Israel and South Africa, unlike Taiwan and South Korea, it should
> be added were also typically colonial states, while the other two started
> from a colonized status.

Is this development by invitation a la Wallerstein?  Dependent development
or that imperialism does not necessarily mean pillage as you underscored

> The South Korean ruling class took advantage of contradictions in the
> imperialist system to leverage its economic advantages as a garrison state
> into overall economic success. 

This suggests that all is not imperialism, there is some room to maneuver.

Of course, we understand that with the end
> of the Cold War its value has become decreased. That is the explanation for
> the rather rapacious attack on South Korean assets by multinationals in the
> aftermath of the Asian meltdown.

What does this say about imperialism and pillage?

Anthony D'Costa

> Louis Proyect
> Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

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