"Ken Hanly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

<< There are different types of analytical philosophy. . . . 

Sure, but, I wasn't trying to give a history or a typology. I was just trying to 
explain why the culture of APis anti-intellectual and hostile to humanistic 
cultivation. Also, incidentally, to wave at the contributions of AP to logic. The 
hostility to culture ersal, of course: I did not say that every analytical philosopher 
is a narrow technician. By some accounts _I_ am an AP, and I hope I am not a narrow 
technician. I have also studied with some APs who are humanistically educated--Rorty, 
for one; when I studied with him, he was still an AP. It's rare, though: none of my 
other AP teachers strikes me as fitting the bill, on reflection. Maybe Nick Jardine. 
Nor did I say that humanistic cultivation is necessary or sufficient to be a good 
philosopher. (Wittgenstein, btw, certainly did have a humanistic education; he just 
didn't do much with that side.) What I said was that a humanistic education was a good 
thing and it's a shame that it's largely vanished and its values are not !
promoted among analytical philos
ophers. Also, if Ken wants logical positivistic type contempt for postmodernism, 
there's a lot of it goinga roung among APs. Some would say, gain, that I manifest it. 

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