[Ernie Tate was a leader of the British Trotskyist movement in the 1960s,
where he helped to build the Vietnam antiwar movement, and where he
recruited Tariq Ali among many other radicalizing students and youth. He
now lives in Canada where he is employed as a skilled worker. If I get a
hold of Shepherd's piece, I will pass it along as well. Shepherd was a
leader of the American Trotskyist movement who was purged in the early 1980s.]


Hello Louis,

This is a piece I wrote for a discussion inspired by an article by Barry
Shepherd. I thought you would like to see it.

It was nice meeting you in New York.

Best wishes, Ernie Tate


What Happened In Russia? a contribution to a discussion, December 11, 2000

by Ernest Tate

I'm sure I was not alone among socialists during the period of Gorbachev
and the final days of "peroistroika", thinking that this was perhaps the
opening phase of the "political revolution" and that the Russian working
class would not permit the bureaucracy to dismantle the gains of the
Russian Revolution. The idea of "political revolution", the need for the
working class to mobilize around a program of "workers control" to allow it
to realize its full creative possibility to overcome the crisis of
stagnation resulting from bureaucratic control, was an essential feature of
the analysis of the USSR developed by Leon Trotsky. This program for
political revolution, to which supporters of the "degenerated workers
state" theory subscribed, encompassed some of the demands of the bourgeois
democratic revolution such as freedom of speech and association, the right
to strike, demands for workers control around which the working class would
mobilize through workers councils, and wh! ich would pose the question of
"political power".

There is little evidence of political revolution in the processes of change
in Russia and Eastern Europe since the collapse. Rather , the drive for
change, especially political change, has tended to come from those layers
in society who are outside the organized working class.

Looking at some of the changes in Russia, especially in the decades before
Gorbachev, we can understand why. From Kruschev in the early 1960s, social
and economic changes under the bureaucracy began to cause its
disintegration. Despite Kruschev's claims that they would bypass the
standard of living of the capitalist countries, by the early 1970s targets
of the central plan for economic growth and labour productivity were not
met. Before 1960 rates of growth under the two five year plans were 14% and
11% a year, respectively, remarkably high when compared to Western
capitalist economies. Projecting this growth rate into the future, Kruschev
could, with some justification say the USSR would bypass capitalism. But
the reality was something else. During the 70s and 80s, the Russian growth
rate fell to under 4%, says David Lane in his book, The Rise and Fall of
State Socialism. (1) At the same time, important demographic shifts in the
population began to undermine the regime. Two thirds had become urban --
from 22,000,000 in 1922 to 186,800 in 1989. (2)

In 1950, the number of employees categorized as "non-productive", that is
non-manual employees, in such sectors as science, education, culture,
health, insurance and tourism, totalled 6,260,000. In the space of 17
years, that figure had jumped almost four times to 23,812,000. (3) It was
this demographic group that had the most important impact on the history of
the last twenty years. There was the rapid growth of television and other
means of communication. David Lane writes that , "The population's
expectations rose: a consumer mentality matured as did the
bourgeoisification of aspirations."(4)

"This led to a more wide-spread receptivity to alternate conceptions of
socialism at the same time as there was a pervasiveness of illegal as well
as private economic activity." Among petty -bourgeois layers in the society
there was an increase in the belief that they would capitalize their
special skills in a market relationship. "It was a mechanism to realize
intellectual capital in monetary terms." Lane says.(5)

In general, there had been a deterioration in the standard of living of
these layers, compared to the pre-war period. There is a lot of anecdotal
evidence of truck drivers earning much more that highly trained medical
specialists. Loyalty and solidarity with the regime began to break down,
especially among professionals, who had become disenchanted with their
status: they were in turn cultivated by the leadership. Lane gives data on
the sociological shift in the membership of the Communist Party from the
late Breznev period to Gorbachev, towards non-manual and professional
layers and the influx of these layers into the top leadership and a
simultaneous decline in the number of individuals from working-class

"The implication here," he says, "is that a dual class structure was
developing in which 'intellectuals' and professionals had much potentially
to gain from a market-type system. They had marketable skills and were not
dependent on a 'nomenklatura' system."(6)

"It is undoubtedly the case," Lane says, "that the reform leadership of
Gorbachev shifted its political fulcrum of support away from the manual
working class and the traditional party and state bureaucracy to an
alliance with the more technologically inclined and modernizing forces of
the intelligentsia..."(7)

To deal with the crisis of the economy, two sets of solutions were argued
within the regime: the development of markets in Russia and "a reform of
the economic mechanism." Gorbachev could have chosen to stay with the
central plan and rely on the working class to make the changes necessary to
overcome the crises, but instead he opted for the market solution which
only accelerated the crises.

In a discussion of the various theories about the nature of the Soviet
state and the reason for the crises, Lane examines in detail the views of
the Trotskyists. He looks to see which theory more correctly explained the
crisis of the regime. He also deals with reactionary and pro-capitalist
theories of some Western academics (which he says were mainly wrong about

Lane, who pays tribute to Ernest Mandel's work, states that Hilel Ticktin,
who Mandel debated many times, "must go down as one of the few
specialists...who correctly analysed the weakness and potential
disintegration of Soviet type society."(8) Tictin's magazine Critique, is
published in Glasgow.

In Tictin's view," writes Lane, "the dynamic of Soviet type formations has
been the 'enormous levels of useless productive consumption or waste that
result from the instability of the system...The central economic feature of
the USSR...(was) its economic wastefulness.'" A major contradiction in the
'the system' is in the labour process: control is only partially achieved
by "the elite" (Tictin's characterization) through the atomization (which
originated under Stalin) of the workforce. This leaves the workers with
control over the work process but causes underproduction and the production
of "defective use values". Lane continues: "...a major cause of the
disintegration of the system was the incapacity of 'the elite' to extract
surplus, promote growth to meet needs. Also the 'elite' had no legitimate
right to ownership and inheritance of property..."

"In a nutshell, politically astute sections of the Soviet elite sought to
introduce the market to preserve their position. If established, the market
and its associated institutions of private property and exchange of labour
value -- and (one might add) civil society and a bourgeois ideology -- will
legitimate a new ruling class."(9)

The proponents of deepening market reform became the major tendency in the
government by the time Gorbachev came to power, with strong support from
the administrative wing of the state apparatus from those running the large
state enterprises.

There seems to have been a uniform view in government circles over many
years that believed the central problem in the economy was the stultifying
effects the bureaucracy. It was immense, with its tentacles reaching into
all aspects of the economy and life as it grew to build "socialism in one
country" and as it attempted to reproduce the world division of labour
within the USSR. Its authoritarian practices had their roots in the feudal
relations the Bolsheviks inherited from Tsarism. It was the social basis of
Stalinism, and even the Stalinists had difficulty reforming it. It grew,
according to Lane, from 6,200,000 in 1922 to 118,000,000 in 1985.(10)
Within the state and party apparatus various reform strategies developed
which questioned the relevance of state planning to deal with the
bureaucracy's suffocating weight on economic planning and its failures.

These reforms challenged the central plan and gave legitimacy to the notion
of "market socialism" as opposed to the capitalist market economy. The
invasion of Czechoslovakia under the Breznev doctrine, put the ideas of
"market socialism", on the sidelines, as the Russian leadership saw
political changes there which challenged the Communist Party for political

The planned economies, except for Yugoslavia, had been excluded by
imperialism from the world economy and the world division of labour since
their beginning, and starting with the 1960s were unable to compete with
the capitalist economies based upon a sort of hand-me-down technology.(11)
Technological change, or the lack of it was one of the main problems that
Gorbachev attempted to solve.

The crisis ran throughout society with shortages and a lack of consumer
goods at a time when the Western capitalist societies were going through a
massive growth of consumer products and technological expansion. Those
around Gorbachev strove to break down the imperialist barriers to the
USSR's entrance into the world economic and financial system. Their hope
was to borrow from imperialism whatever was needed to close the technology
gap. This was accompanied by an increase in the cultural influences from
the capitalist countries through television and other modern means of
communication, sources of "cultural contamination" where the intellectual
elite and others aspiring to a middle class existence could see a market in
operation that gave huge advantages to those who had the required skills.
The "consumption effects" of capitalism were a constant reminder to this
social layer of "communism's" backwardness and weakness.(12) Subjective
evaluation of the benefits of Western! societies became the basis for a
push by these forces on the regime to make concessions to their interests.

Around the same time, imperialism under the leadership of Ronald Reagan and
Thatcher made a switch in its cold-war policy of "containment" to a more
confrontational policy of pushing for greater military superiority and
militant anti-communism. All the numerous agencies of western imperialism
were mobilized in a campaign for "democracy". Defense expenditures, a huge
burden on Soviet society, would only increase under the threat of Star
Wars, the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) of the Pentagon.(13)

Lane quotes Richard Pipes, an advisor to Ronald Reagan, who points out that
"'the systematic policy of subverting the Soviet Union, largely through the
use of the CIA' made a decisive contribution to the collapse of communism.'
He argues further ," Lane says, "that SDI 'accelerated the decline' of the
USSR and that CIA policy succeeded in persuading Saudia Arabia to lower oil
prices, which severely affected Soviet foreign currency earnings..."(14)

According to Lane, the group around Gorbachev, although they supported the
idea of market reform, had no clear idea of what model was required for the
economy -- they saw only a "Russian" way. But the fundamental feature of
"perestroika". and the policy of liberalization associated with it, was the
introduction of market reforms. Instead of bringing an end to the economic
crisis, this policy deepened it, ending in total failure by 1990, with mass
unemployment, declining rates of economic growth and raging inflation as
high as 300% a month.

As Gorbachev turned to imperialism to allow the Soviet Union to enter the
world market and attain membership in its financial agencies, imperialism
began to raise the price of admission. Helmut Kohl demanded that East
Germany be allowed to "unite" with West Germany. Thatcher demanded
competitive elections in the USSR and a multi-party system.(15)

Gorbachev capitulated to these demands. In foreign policy he gave
assurances that the USSR would not intervene in Poland or the other
countries of Eastern Europe if they should decide to leave Comecon or the
Warsaw Pact, giving up what he considered to be a liability in the Soviet
Union's scramble for an accord with imperialism. He agreed to reduce aid to
Nicaragua. At about the same time, the USSR's trade agreements with Cuba
were broken.

There were deep divisions in the Gorbachev team about the way forward to
deal with the economic crisis gripping the country. In the past these
differences would have been settled by firing squad and murder, but under
the new policy of "glasnost", this was unthinkable. Lane provides some
unique data on the lack of a unified outlook in the thinking of those at
the centre of power.

"On the basis of interviews with 116 members of the Gorbachev elite," Lane
says, "I distinguished between those seeking fundamental change of the
regime and those who wanted reform. Of the political elite, 41 per cent
regarded the Soviet system as 'fundamentally sound requiring reforms,' 40
per cent believed that it was 'basically flawed, though significant reforms
could have been achieved' and , most important of all, 19 per cent thought
the system was 'basically unsound and should have been completely
replaced.' Within system reform, as contemplated by Gorbachev, could never
have succeeded concurrently with political stability because the political
elites were divided about the fundamental nature of the Soviet system."(16)

These disagreements were finally resolved during the attempted coup by a
wing of the bureaucracy who had become increasingly nervous about
Gorbachev's course, resulting in the victory of Yeltsin who openly opposed
the central plan, and who favoured "the organizing principles of
capitalism", competitive political parties, private property and a market
led economy.

As part of his economic and administrative reforms, Gorbachev around 1988,
had introduced measures that enhanced market forces in the economy. His
policy gave support to market transactions, increased private and
cooperative trade(17), and in a measure to overcome the alienation of the
workers and draw private savings into capitalizing state enterprises, gave
the workers the right to buy equity. At the same time he weakened the power
of the central ministries, reducing staff by a third to just over half a

This unleashed powerful forces that challenged the foundations of the
society. The government issued on a mass scale, certificates to give the
workers the right to buy shares. Individual directors of enterprises and
consortia of wealthy individuals gained control of the most profitable
state-owned enterprises. (We shall see later how these individuals obtained
their wealth.)

With the assistance and advice of Western financial institutions, market
reformers at the centre of power oversaw the dismantling of state
enterprises and their mass privatization at ridiculously low prices or
through outright theft. In her book, Sale of the Century, Russia's wild
ride from Communism to Capitalism, Christia Freeland, an editor of the
Toronto Globe and Mail , who was the London Financial Times correspondent
in Moscow during the period of the collapse and after, describes the
privatization process once Yeltsin replaced Gorbachev. Operating under a
philosophy that it was preferable for state assets to be stolen rather than
remain under public ownership, and a sense that time would not always be on
their side she says the "reformers" at the centre of power hurriedly
dismantled key sectors of the economy. She says that by 1996, "more than
80% of Russian industry was at least partially in private hands, a higher
proportion than in parts of Western Europe." (18) "By 1999, " she says,
"the top 10% of the population owned half of the nation's wealth, while the
bottom 40% owned less than a fifth. Between 30 to 40 million people lived
below the poverty line, defined as a miserly $30 a month." (19) (She does
not give any source for this data.)

To overcome resistance to the privatization, workers and managers of the
targetted enterprises were given "up to 40% shares in these firms." (20) A
second wave of privatization allowed workers and managers to buy 51% of the
voting shares at a nominal price. Freeland says that this effectively made
the Soviet-era factory directors the "capitalist elite" for the new Russia.
This was followed by "voucher privatization" in 1992 whereby everyone was
given 10,000 rubles (then about $25) by which workers could pay the nominal
fee to buy their reserve shares in their enterprises. "Street kiosks, "
Freeland reports, "whose briskest business was in vodka and cigarettes
began a robust trade in vouchers as well. Young hustlers went from
door-to-door, buying up spare vouchers." (21) From this emerged wealthy
individuals who had amassed their riches from exploiting openings in the
economy provided to them under previous reforms, even under Breznev. Often
in partnership with foreign financial institutions they consolidated their
control over the more lucrative sectors of the economy.

Most often from outside the bureaucracy -- but in active and mutual
beneficial collaboration with it -- individuals who often had Party and /
or Komonsol credentials, who had become wealthy in the "shadow economy" or
from earlier market liberalization schemes, or who functioned in the
quasi-private sector, positioned themselves to exploit the new changes.

Thane Gustafson, in his book, Capitalism, Russian Style, examines how
important private wealth can originate in a planned economy as a result of
scarcity and the functioning of the "unofficial" market. In Russia this
process had been underway especially since the time of Stalin, and perhaps
even under the Bolsheviks, operating illegally but often in a corrupt
relationship with the bureaucracy. There are two "informal" economies in
Russia today, Gustafson says, "...The 'shadow' economy is the world of
underground business, unregistered and unreported. The 'virtual' economy is
the world of Soviet-era manufacturing which has attempted to shelter itself
from the market pressures by retreating from it. The 'shadow economy' is at
the opposite pole from the 'virtual economy' . The basis of the shadow
economy is strictly cash while that of the virtual economy is barter and
IOUs. The shadow economy lives by its wits; the virtual economy by
subsidies (in the hidden form of unpai! d taxes and wages). The shadow
economy produces services for which there is a market: the virtual economy
produces physical goods for which there is none -- at least at Soviet-era
cost plus pricing. The shadow economy, until the crash of August 1998,
accounted for perhaps 40% of Russian GDP, the virtual economy --
essentially manufacturing and the defense- industrial rump -- barely 25%."
(22) The "shadow" economy blossomed after Kruschev.

Freeland describes the rise of Mikhael Khodorkovsky, in her series of
biographical sketches of some of the "oligarchs" who had amassed vast
wealth during this time. Khodorkovsky had risen within the Komonsol, the
Communist Party youth organization, within which he and his group started a
computer importing business, which "became a cooperative, then a bank as
the laws governing private business developed."(23) The company became
Menatap, until recently one of the largest private banks in the country.
Another large bank, belonging to the Most group had similar origins,
beginning with capital that came from Komonsol.

It is worth quoting Freeland at length, because her book describes so well
how a new wealthy class grew up in the midst of the planned economy and how
it increased its power as the crisis unfolded. "Their business started with
factories that were having a hard time extracting credits or payments from
the collapsing Russian state. Like a cheque-cashing company, Menatep gave
the enterprises their money up-front and then collected the payment they
were owed from the central government, taking a hefty cut in the process.
Before long Menetep began to perform the same service for regional
governments waiting for rubles from Moscow. >From there it was a short step
to the real klondike -- handling the federal government's own finances,
through a plethora of schemes ranging from servicing fat bank accounts of
government departments to becoming a conduit for money which needed to
travel from one branch of the federal government to the other." Aside from
making money, his business b! y its very nature put this oligarch into
intimate contact with key individuals in the bureaucracy. (24)

The Komonsol had vast holdings in entertainment, travel, holiday camps and
even provided high-tech consulting to industry. It actively promoted the
market reform process. Freeland quotes a Khodorkovsky associate: "To a
certain extent Khodorkovsky was sent by the Komonsol and the party (into
the private sector)." The party establishment protected and supported him
with the ostensible objective to break the grip of the state ministries
over the economy. Surrounded by a "hostile, inefficient and endemically
corrupt" apparatus, according to Freeland, the "reformers" in the
government turned over the former functions of the bureaucracy to "the
nation's plucky new band of capitalists, young men who belonged to their
generation and shared their mindset." (25)

Menatep moved to gain control of some of Russia's largest factories that
were put on the auction block in a mass privatization scheme to help remedy
earlier "voucher" privatization failures by providing funds to companies
desperate for capitalization. They gained ownership of the enterprises at
bargain basement prices, but often reneged on their re-capitalization

Then there was the infamous "loans for shares" program, designed by a
consortium of the most powerful "oligarchs" to facilitate the transfer of
some of the major resource industries into private hands in exchange for
loans to the government. These capitalists met in a cartel to plan their
attack and "quickly agreed on a rough and ready division of Russia's most
valuable companies... We reached an agreement on who would take what, " one
of the participants told Freeland. "We agreed not to get in each others way."

It took a number of months for the program to work its way to success when
the number of targetted companies was reduced to twelve. The Yeltsin
administration carried out the transfer in two stages, first turning the
companies over to this group of capitalists "in trust" in early 1995 and
finally giving a transfer of ownership in 1997, after the Presidential
election. The cartel had actively campaigned for him.

Norilsk Nickel, for example, one of the largest nickel producers in the
world, if not the largest, was transferred out of public ownership through
the fiction of allowing Vladimir Potanin, one of the wealthiest men in
Russia to manage the state stake in this enterprise in exchange for loans
to a government desperate for funds. Yukos Oil, a large Siberian oil
company met a similar fate as did Unified Energy Systems, the national
power company. Smaller enterprises went to more junior players.(26) The
stated motivation of the government in agreeing to this process was the
need to defeat the "red directors", who effectively controlled the
enterprises, and to raise "non-inflationary" revenues to overcome its
financial crisis resulting from budgetary short-falls. For roughly $2.25
billion, the deal was completed. As Freeland says, Russia's crown jewels
were given away for kopeks.(27)

"It was the act of a desperately enfeebled state, so anaemic it was unable
to perform basic functions such as collecting taxes or maintaining its
monopoly over coercive force. Although this shadow state formally 'owned'
the companies which were ultimately sold off, the Kremlin had little
political or economic control over them.

"This meant that the 'loan-for-shares' was not quite a straightforward
giveaway. Instead the Kremlin basically gave the future oligarchs a federal
mandate to try and wrest control of some choice assets away from the red
directors who were effectively the owners...". 

As this privatization process unfolded, there was a big expansion
throughout the country in commercial banking, that began with Gorbachev's
break-up of the USSR state bank into five separate entities. Within four
years, there were 1600 private banks , some with many branches throughout
the country, to facilitate the payment and settlement systems for many
enterprises and to finance the privatization program. They "were created by
the Soviet state bureaucrats, acting in their own interests as the regime
weakened," says Gustafson in his Capitalism, Russian Style. He quotes one
Western specialist who says that "Ministries, state committees, large state
enterprises, government organs, state financial institutions, the Communist
Party and its affiliates -- these were the entrepreneurs of the new banking
sector."(28) Almost every large enterprise organized its own bank under
the"liberalized" banking laws.

The private banks, because of their contacts in the bureaucracy and through
speculation and foreign trade, grew rich and powerful. As the state's
monopoly of foreign trade and its tight control of foreign currency
disappeared, they took over many of the functions that involved cash flow.
They handled much of the finances of the various ministries and facilitate
payment systems, internally and abroad. "More than any other post-Soviet
institution, the new banks symbolized the vast transfer of wealth from the
state private hands and the return of money to centre in the Russian
economy," says Gustafson. They became the most powerful institutions in
Russian society.

In the inflation frenzy of the early 1990s, the banks made vast profits
from borrowing from the state at low interest rates and lending very high.
Gustafson quotes a 1996 Russian study of the phenomenon : "...the private
banks appropriated most of the 'inflation tax' levied on the Russian
economy, practically without opposition."(29) At one point, he says, their
profits amounted to 10% of the Gross Domestic Product. Ordinary Russians,
unused to high inflation and unable to protect themselves, saw their
savings disappear. Between 1991 and 1995, prices increased 10,0000-fold.
Inflation, one of the greatest re-distributors of wealth there is, on a par
with wars of conquest and revolutions, gave a huge boost to capital
accumulation, in what became known as the "golden age"of the Russian
banking system.

It is important to have a sense of proportion however, about the actual
size of these banks when compared to their Western counterparts. "By world
standards", Gustafson say, "even the largest Russian banks were small, and
their impact on the Russian economy was modest. On August 1, 1998, on the
eve of the collapse, the total assets of the approximately 1600 Russian
banks (state and private combined) were generously estimated at $125
billion, of which nearly two-thirds were held by the top 20 banks. In 1997,
60% had capital of less than $1 million and 90% had less than $3 million.
Only 124 banks (about 6% of the total number) had capital greater than $5
million."(30) By world standards they were pygmies, but compared to what
existed in the USSR before the collapse, they were giants.

The new capitalists, often with Western partners, naturally concentrated
their efforts in those areas of the economy where there was cash flow, such
as banking, telecommunications and energy (both "natural monopolies" which
have now been privatized), and on natural resources and commodity exchange.
Gazprom, the natural gas distribution and energy company, which is Russia's
richest and largest company is run by "insiders" from the old energy
ministry and is partly owned by the government. The state's role in the
enterprise is managed by these "insiders". In the 1980s, it invested
heavily outside Russia, forming an alliance with a Germany company to
become very profitable and the largest supplier of natural gas to Western
Europe. In Russia, it used its profits to subsidize companies and
individuals who were unable to pay their energy bill. In the early 1990s,
it used its power to buy or take over many enterprises through
debt-for-equity swaps. Today, its shares are listed! as Depositary Receipts
on the New York Stock Exchange. Gustafson says that Gazprom is a powerful
force pulling Russia into the money economy.(31)

In the food industry, according to Gustafson, today's Russian producer "is
frequently a subsidiary of an international group. Western companies,
finding it more profitable to produce through local plants than to import,
have invested heavily in the Russian food sector, buying scattered Russian
plants and consolidating them into larger conglomerates. 'Outside
takeovers' have become routine, and the result is a growing concentration
of production around a few leading producers."(32) In beer production, four
foreign groups control more than half of the market, often in competition
with large state-owned breweries.

This process of capital accumulation, privatization and consolidation in
the economy continued until the ruble crisis of August, 1998, when the
government defaulted on its bonds and in effect went bankrupt in the midst
of country wide strikes that caused disruption of the country's rail lines.
(If it was possible for a country to go bankrupt, then Russia certainly met
the criteria.) Commodity prices had dropped, especially oil from which the
government got 40% of its revenues. "The top twenty commercial banks, which
had two-thirds of the assets of the new banking sector, were reduced to
empty shells."(33) There was a massive flight of capital out of the
country. Estimates range from $100 billion to $150 billion. The
privatization process either stopped or simply slowed down.

The dismantling of the economy and it reorganization around capitalist
norms during the crises of the last decade or so has been paid for by the
working class in a rapid deterioration of its living standards, with
reduced wages often held back for many months. In so far as there has been
political action by some of the trade unions, they have tended to ally
themselves with this or that wing of the regime, should it be a General
Lebed or even Putin. This has been the history of the class struggle under
the regime ever since the crisis erupted in the mid-eighties. "No evidence
is given (and none exists) to show the rise of working-class political
consciousness as an instrument to overthrow the system."(34) In the current
crisis in Yugoslavia where powerful strikes by workers and mass
mobilizations in the streets, finally ousted Milosevec, we possibility will
see a similar pattern. If we go by what has happened elsewhere, we can
expect that the coalition of political forces which recently took over,
will not reverse the "market reforms" which began under Tito. Nor will it
implement a new monopoly of foreign trade or reverse the privatizations
that took place in the 1960s. Instead, I suggest, it will move the country
into the imperialist financial system, if not sooner, then later, giving
even more freedom to market forces to penetrate economy.

What at first puzzled me -- and I'm sure a lot of others -- about the
changes taking place in Russia was the lack of an organized presence of the
working class as a factor in the various crises which wracked the country.
There were some heroic strikes, especially of the miners over such basic
demands as payment of back pay, but after some promises from the regime,
sometimes false, the workers retreated and seem to be no longer players in
the open political life of the country. At least, that is what it appears
from reading the local press. We have yet to see the working class play a
significant independent role, and in so far as it politically expresses
itself today, it tends to do that through the Communist Party, as
discredited as that organization may be.

But I think this is logical and somewhat inevitable if we look at how the
organized working class developed and functioned in Russia over the past
eighty odd years. The unions did not have the right to strike. They were
not independent and were in varying degrees controlled by the regime, which
continues even today. They participated in the running of the enterprises
-- and still do -- which often provided medical care, food, housing, and
vacations in special holiday resorts. In the past, this buffered them from
the economic deprivation suffered by other social layers. Unlike in the
capitalist world, there was no "reserve army of labour", a mass of
unemployed workers. This beneficial position in the society can be seen in
the relationship of the wages of manual workers to that of non-manual
technical employees and office workers. If manual workers' wages are seen
as fixed relative to others at a constant 100, from 1932 to 1985,
non-manual technical employees' wages fell! from 265 to approximately 115
and office workers' wages fell from 150 down to approximately 80.(35)

The working class functioned in a culture of "making things work", of being
integrated into the administration of the enterprise. Their"privileges"
meant they tended to be the last to feel the crisis of the regime. Unlike
the workers in capitalist countries, the working class's political
formation and education was based upon being "owners of the means of
production". This probably explains the phenomena of many workers accepting
for long periods, the non-payment of wages. This is changing however. David
Mandel, in Socialist Register, 2001 , gives some important information on
changes in working class consciousness as workers struggle with their
"corpratist" union leaderships, many of whom now support a "patriotic
bourgeoisie" in a blurring of class lines over the possibility of the
country being colonized by foreign powers.

There has been a low level of solidarity that is the result, not only of
the "partnership" strategy, but of acute poverty, social uncertainty and
the conservatizing effects of the depression. Nevertheless, the workers are
relishing their new found freedoms of association and speech, the main
constitutional benefits they achieved with the defeat of Stalinism and the
removal of the Communist Party from power. Struggles by workers have broken
out in some work-places to transform their unions into meaningful vehicles
for economic struggle, with the setting up of some industry-wide or
regional shop floor committees to defend their interests. Mandel describes
the setting up of a totally different kind of union for Russia in the
Edinstovo car plant, which although small (3500 members out of 120,000
employees), and suffering persecution and discrimination, is made up of the
more and active and socially committed workers in the plant. Politically
confused, its leadership at one ! point supported Yeltsin, then General
Lebed and later it participated in Putin's election campaign committee. But
it is completely independent from management and actively supports outside
labour struggles.(36)

It is a process that continues to evolve, despite huge difficulties amidst
the shock and paralysis of one of the deepest recessions in the history of
the world. Some unions are beginning to function as if they are in a
capitalist environment. Workers in Yaroslavl Motor Builders, four diesel
with 40, 000 workers, have a history of militant action going back to
Gorbachev. During the "shock therapy" period around 1994, when workers saw
their standard of living take a further nose-dive, they were relatively
passive as were most workers, but in 1995 and over the next couple of
years, a series of strikes were organized, one lasting five weeks, which
included the tactic of blocking highways. More conservative union
committees were replaced with strike committees, with changes being made in
the unions of other associated plants to make them more responsive to the
membership. These were some of the forces, says Mandel, which blocked the
country's rail lines during the crisis in Se! ptember, 1998, to support the
more than 200 miners who were living in a tent city outside the White House
(seat of the presidency) during that summer, and even though the tent city
got little or no support from the official unions, it inspired activists
throughout Russia to support it.(37)

A consequence of the rise of Stalinism in Russia was the virtual
extinguishing, through political and bloody purges throughout society, of
any conceptual framework that tended to a critical appraisal of the role of
the bureaucracy, especially criticisms that went towards the concept of
political revolution. Regaining its place as a force for social change in
the life of the country means the working class will have to raise its
political consciousness to recapture through its new freedom of association
and speech some of the ideas of workers' democracy that came out of the
1917 Russian Revolution. It must overcome the break in the political
continuity from that time. This is now easier than at any time during the
past seventy-five years. It will also have to overcome some of its
conditioning to throw off the political shackles imposed on it over several
decades and re-enforced by the notion of being "owners of the means of
production" to come to an understanding of the true nature of the regime at
the state and enterprise level.

The process of political change, since the collapse of the regimes in
Easter Europe and the USSR, has been to electoral systems based upon
bourgeois forms of government, with varying degrees of authoritarianism. We
have seen parliamentary forms of government take the place of the old
Stalinist regimes, often with either the passive or active support of the
working class. And some logical questions are posed: how can we have a form
of bourgeois democracy without a bourgeoisie? How does the world ruling
class mediate its influences in these countries? Do native capitalists
already control these governments? If so, what will be the length of their
ascendancy? The capitalists are a class that Marxists believed had outlived
its historical usefulness. Is it possible that this is a stage through
which these societies will have to pass as the working class develops
generalized class and political consciousness? These question have yet to
be answered.

I have little information about what is happening today in Russia. Recent
press reports of the flight of some of the larger capitalists out of the
country under fear of arrest and threats from the Putin government to
investigate some of the property transfers with a view of taking them back
under state control, suggests that the regime is attempting to get control

12 Lane, p 178. 
13 Lane, p 179. 
14 Lane, p 180. 
15 Lane, p 186. 
16 Lane, p 129.

17 Thane Gustafson, Capitalism Russian Style, Cambridge University Press, p
116. The author says that "the first and most fateful of the Gorbachev
reforms" was the "decision to authorize private 'cooperatives'. Young
Russians, especially in the cities rushed to take advantage of the opening.
By official reckoning, they produced nearly 3% of all consumer goods, but
an astonishing 18.4% of all services, and the real unreported numbers were
undoubtedly much greater...". "Many cooperatives turned out to be little
more than a siphon to divert state resources into private hands. A state
manager would create a 'cooperative', owned by relatives or friends, to
sell the output or inventory of his enterprise out the back door,
preferably abroad for hard currency. The state enterprise absorbed public
credits but secreted private profits."

18 Christia Freeland, Sale Of The Century, Russia's wild ride from
Communism to Capitalism, Doubleday, Canada, p 13. 

19      Ibid, p 16. 
20      Ibid, p 55. 
21      Ibid, p 57.. 
22      Gustafson, p 117. 
23      Freeland, p 115. 
24      Ibid, p 117. 
25      Ibid, p 117. 
26      Ibid, p 26. 
27      Ibid, p 167. 
28      Gustafson, p 81. 
29      Ibid, p 84. 
30      Ibid, p 87. 
31      Ibid, p 55. 
32      Ibid, p 51. 
33      Ibid, p 78. 
34      Lane, p 146. 
35      Ibid, p 192. 
36      David Mandel, "Why is there no revolt?", p 191, in Working Classes,
Global Realities -- Socialist Register, 2001, Merlin Press 
37      Ibid, p 45. 
38      Olivia Ward, Toronto Star, December 9, 2000. 
39      Freeland, p 116. 
40      Gustafson, p 175.
41      "U.S. Imperialism Has Lost The Cold W", New International, No. 11,
September, 1998, p 191. 

Louis Proyect
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