At 08:34 14/12/00 -0500, Nathan wrote:
>Gore's speech was pathetic- aimed at his own credibility although being the
>"good son", he probably believes a lot of that crap.
>So progressives need to just ignore Gore- the votes suppress belonged to the
>folks who were disenfranchised, not to Gore.  If he wants to write it all
>off as a good clean fight, that doesn't help but it doesn't stop
>progressives from organizing the fuck-you response for the future.

But with the embarrassed Jeb Bush moving as fast as anyone, to proclaim an 
agenda of constitutional reform, what chance is there of this sort of 
change being genuinely radical rather than reformist?

Jesse Jackson rang to congratulate George Bush, but does he speak for an 
effective movement which can insist that the USA's venerated democracy, 
really becomes more answerable to ordinary working people?

Chris Burford


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